What historical eras can the next Assassin's Creed be dedicated to?

For many years, players have been asking Ubisoft to make Assassin's Creed about Medieval Japan. Their dreams have come true — the action of the new part with the subtitle Shadows unfolds in the Land of the Rising Sun. However, there are still many eras that have never been revealed within the series. This article is dedicated to them.
Unification of China (221 BC)
In 221 BC, after two hundred years of the Warring States Period, China was united into one state. To achieve this goal, Yíng Zhèng used all methods, including bribery, espionage, and the brutal extermination of those who tried to resist. In addition, the future emperor Qin Shi Huangdi took revenge on everyone who had offended him before. But even after establishing control over the entire state, repression continued. Those who objected to the ruler were especially unlucky. For example, Ying Zheng wanted to gain immortality. And when Confucian scholars declared that such aspirations resembled superstition, they were buried alive in the ground. It was during this period that the active construction of the Great Wall of China and the creation of the legendary Terracotta Army took place.

If we consider the history of Qin Shi Huangdi's rise and reign as the basis for the game, then it would be optimal to show his loyal supporter, who participated in all the wars and political intrigues. But after the ruler's cruelty touched him personally, he became disillusioned with Ying Zheng and began to act against him. For example, the emperor's death from mercury pills can be played out as a murder at the hands of our assassin.
The Fall of the Western Roman Empire (476)
Rome in the early 16th century is the setting for Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. It was then the center of the Catholic world. But before that, the Eternal City was the capital of an empire that spanned the entire Mediterranean. Its decline was gradual, it experienced a series of civil wars and a division into two parts — Eastern and Western. The latter officially fell in 476, when the leader of the federates Odoacer overthrew Emperor Romulus Augustus.
Such an unstable situation is an excellent basis for a new part of Assassin's Creed. We can personally take part in the destruction of the last people who are trying to defend the empire, or, on the contrary, try to stop the process of disintegration of the state and selectively eliminate the leaders of barbarian tribes. If desired, you can not limit yourself to only 476, but show the devastation of Rome by the Vandals in 455, and then touch on the consequences of the collapse of the empire.

The Arab Conquest of Spain (711-714)
In Assassin's Creed Valhalla we were shown how the Vikings fought the English on the territory of the British Isles. However, the Normans were far from the only invaders who threatened Europe during the early Middle Ages. Since 632, the Arab invasion of Byzantium and North Africa began. They crossed Gibraltar, conquered the Visigothic Kingdom, which was located on the Iberian Peninsula, and entered the territory of the Frankish Kingdom. There they were defeated in the Battle of Poitiers in 732.
We stopped at the capture of Spain, because several hostile sides were intertwined here. This is part of the former Roman Empire, which after its collapse was captured by the Germanic tribe of the Visigoths. But by the beginning of the 8th century, their kingdom was divided into western and eastern parts. The power of the elite was weak, and they were unable to oppose anything to the aggressive Arabs. But the new conquerors also had to establish their power and a new religion over a large territory, which was not an easy task. Parallels with the first Assassin's Creed inevitably arise, where the Crusaders held Jerusalem, Acre and Damascus using very cruel methods.

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Lancaster War (1415-1453)
We are talking about the final stage of the Hundred Years' War (1338-1453) between England and France. There was room for feudal intrigues, major battles and trathe heroine of Joan of Arc. During her short life, the Maid of Orleans managed to lead an army, win a number of battles, bring King Charles VII to power and, ultimately, help France win the war. However, Joan's fate was sad — she was betrayed by her allies, accused of heresy and burned at the stake. The story of this girl would be an excellent basis for the main storyline of the new Assassin's Creed.
In addition, other battles can be shown, guerrilla warfare against invaders in the Middle Ages, as well as feudal fragmentation that the French king fought against.
The discovery of America by Christopher Columbus (1492)
It is known for certain that the Normans reached the shores of America during the early Middle Ages. However, it was the journey of Christopher Columbus that changed the whole world. After he visited the Canary Islands, troops from European states rushed to these lands and founded their colonies.
The stories of Columbus's four expeditions are filled with intrigue, rivalry, and brutal rule over the lands that Christopher began to rule as a ruler. For the mass extermination of the local population, he was shackled and returned to Spain. Only after some time were the charges dropped and he was allowed to set off on a new journey. Moreover, Columbus's death went unnoticed by his contemporaries. His importance was noted half a century later, when the mass conquest of American lands began, and cargoes of precious metals were sent to Europe.

The best option for the game is to make the main character a loyal ally of Christopher. Help him with the first expedition, establish contacts with the Native Americans, who were then mistakenly called Indians, suppress riots and eliminate competitors. And the sudden death of Columbus opens up space for a plot with conspiracy theories.
English Revolution (1641-1660)
London has already been the setting for one of the parts of the Assassin's Creed series. However, Syndicate is dedicated to the reign of Queen Victoria, when England was a relatively calm place. But two hundred years earlier, it had experienced a revolution and a civil war.
As a result of the divergence of the goals of Parliament and King Charles I of England, a military conflict began. It led to the public execution of the monarch and the dictatorship of Oliver Cromwell. After his death, unrest began in the country again, so it was decided to revive the monarchy.
This historical period seems to be a great time for secret conspiracies, assassinations and the intrigues of opponents. Cromwell had many enemies — it is easy to assume that supporters of royal power decided to get rid of him. For example, with the help of an assassin.
Haitian Revolution (1791-1804)
This is the only slave rebellion in history that was successful. French troops, as well as the armies of Spain and Great Britain, tried to suppress it. At the same time, European countries continued to fight each other. A complex whirlwind of events resulted, from which the rebels emerged victorious.

The best option for the game is to take the side of those who are fighting for their freedom. Obviously, the confrontation with the European powers takes place not only on the battlefield — espionage and the elimination of enemy leaders play an important role. For example, division general Charles Victor Emmanuel Leclerc, son-in-law of Napoleon Bonaparte, met his death in Haiti. In reality, he died of yellow fever, but Assassin's Creed fans know how to play out his death.
Events in Russia in 1917-1918
The third issue of the comic Assassin's Creed: The Fall, as well as the final chapter of the platformer Assassin's Creed Chronicles took place in Russia in 1917-1918. However, they went unnoticed by most fans of the series. And in general, this historical period deserves a full-fledged numbered part.
In February 1917, a revolution took place, which led to the abdicationy from the throne of Nicholas II and the fall of the three-hundred-year-old Romanov dynasty. In the summer, unsuccessful attempts are made to advance on the fronts of the First World War and serious crises of the Provisional Government occur. In October, the Bolsheviks take power, and soon after that the Civil War begins.
The execution of the royal family, the food tax, foreign intervention — there are really many events. And they fit the Assassin's Creed format perfectly. Moreover, the main character can be a representative of the red or white movements, an anarchist, or even a representative of another country who carries out special assignments in Petrograd.
What era would you like to see in the next part of Assassin's Creed? Or are you not interested in this series? Share your opinions in the comments!
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