Inversion Review

Gravity is a force capable of holding objects of any radius and type. Everything in the universe moves and exists thanks to this very force. But what if we learn to control it and can change the force of gravity at will? That's exactly what the project by the Russian-American company Saber Interactive, Inversion, offers us.

Weightlessness on the planet

Nothing foreshadowed trouble

The main characters of the game are two police friends who worked in the police station of the city of Vanguard until a certain time. Life was going on as usual, everything was calm and peaceful, when suddenly, out of nowhere, aliens appeared, who do nothing but destroy and kill. A banal, hackneyed plot on the one hand, but it does not go without sharp turns and intriguing events. It would seem, what do our cop friends need? They would have taken off and moved away from danger if it weren't for the fact that Davis (one of our heroes) had his daughter kidnapped by humanoids. And now the best friends simply have to challenge the alien invaders who possess the technology of changing gravity.

Everything turned upside down

Lutadors, the very alien invaders, do not look like little green men at all, on the contrary, they resemble some kind of Neanderthals from another planet, nevertheless, these Neanderthals have seriously "crumpled" the virtual world of the city of Vanguard. In some places of the city, there are peculiar anomalies — places where buildings are underfoot, and paved roads are on the side or even above. Because of such anomalies, we sometimes have to fight enemies on different planes, that is, the enemy may be standing on the ceiling, and we somewhere on the wall, and there are places where there is no gravity at all, in such places everything and everyone is in a suspended state — floating. Such a sight just confuses the eyes, but it is these gravity tricks that are the main feature of the game.

Let's defy Newton's law

The Gravlink is a weapon of the aliens, with which they can change gravity. We can get this device at the very beginning of the game. With the help of the Gravlink, our heroes can attract objects and throw them at enemies or attract the humanoids themselves and deal with them beautifully. You can use the Gravlink shot to make gravity zero in a certain place, or, with its help, increase the force of attraction, thereby slowing down enemies. In short, the Gravlink is the most effective and useful weapon in the game, of course, there are other types of weapons, but they are extremely few, they are rarely used, and they all look alike.

In the game, it is essential to use all kinds of cover.


What else is there to say? Well, perhaps nothing. It can only be added that most of the creation of the game was contributed by Russian developers, as there are many Russian surnames and names in the game credits. The game is truly worthy of its time.

Sound and music
8.0 / 10
Inversion is a Russian-American game with quality textures, decent graphics, and a somewhat clichéd but occasionally intriguing plot.
— The plot is not without intrigue;
— The ability to change gravity;
— Russian developers participated in the development;
— Good graphics and quality textures.
— A small arsenal of weapons.
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