Games 7 Days to Die All reviews

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Bombardo (гость)
June 15, 2020

Cool game, survival... You won't be able to get stuck for a couple of weeks... If you play like an adult, you have to count down in months, my beloved and I have been fighting with zombies on the same map for more than two months... You can build houses, bunkers, dig mines, build fortresses. the game can do almost can build a fortification underwater, or high in the mountains where it’s cold and snowy...When you play the graphics you don’t actually pay attention, the game itself has some kind of adventure every minute...what’s worth just exploring the canyon in the south, and it’s huge.. Yes, and the cities are destroyed high-rise buildings of 15 floors, and there are small houses, but with such bunkers underground.. Yes, and the settings need to be on medium, play it about … Read full


At the end of 2021, you can still play this, although you won’t last more than 30 minutes without a couple of friends. The game is still in Alpha and the price tag is very painful. The gameplay is minecraft with good mods. The optimization is a little disappointing, you can push it to the alpha version, but my sister has already gone to school, I hope the game will still be released for her wedding..... The graphics on minimum settings are terrible, but on maximum settings they are nicer. The controls are standard, nothing more to say about it. The translation into Russian is good. Some sounds are so creepy that you could build a separate house, and at times you are amazed that such a sound could be inserted into the game. Updates are sometimes released, but no significant changes have been noticed.

8.9 / 10
7 / 10
5 / 10
8 / 10
Sound and Music
5.5 / 10
9 / 10
9 / 10
Сын маминой подруги (гость)
July 19, 2020

I've been playing it for quite a long time, the game is good, BUT ONLY GOOD! It's not exactly an all-time masterpiece or game of the year, no, but overall it deserves praise. The gameplay (except for physics and animation), localization and control are excellent, a HUGE and GENERATED open and COMPLETELY destructible world, a lot of objects, firearms, throwing and melee weapons, there is crafting, construction, defense of your shelter, hunting, gathering, etc. d, etc. There are a lot of pluses, but there are also plenty of minuses: wooden physics and animation of zombies, weapons, vehicles, the graphics are a little let down and the plot is completely ABSENT (but guys, a good game in terms of gameplay is better than in terms of graphics and plot)! And since I came to this game quite a long … Read full

8.5 / 10
9 / 10
1 / 10
10 / 10
Sound and Music
9.5 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10
Vavan Jara (гость)
July 7, 2023

The game is excellent, for a long time, there are simply no analogues, but the weapon is a nightmare, the only knife is clumsy. Using sandpaper from simple steel, I can make it a hundred times better, in half an hour. Spears are generally stupid sur.

10 / 10
10 / 10
5.5 / 10
10 / 10
Sound and Music
10 / 10
5.5 / 10
10 / 10

Great game, but very slow construction! It has been sawing for almost ten years and is in “alpha”. I have been playing the game since its inception and during this time it has changed radically, in particular, they are experimenting with the engine and often adding not interesting things, but excesses. For example, the game still doesn’t have as many textures as we would like, the blocks are too large, which don’t allow you to build more beautiful structures, and the crafting system is very strange! But there is something to do in this game, especially if you are interested in looting and building a base, then at least here you can disassemble everything and build structures anywhere and almost anywhere (within a grid with fairly large cells). There are even quite good physics, and each bu… Read full

Выживший (гость)
October 9, 2023

There is room to grow. In Alpha 21, the developers went crazy and decided that water could only be obtained from dew collectors or by finding cans of water in loot! I hope that by Alpha 22 they will be released and we can get water as before!

Александр (гость)
May 2, 2024

An excellent game, I rarely buy games, but now I don’t regret it! Conveniently adjustable gameplay difficulty in general, realistic injuries with their treatment. Fighting off waves of zombies with friends is the best 👍

You can play on the light side, or you can go hardcore. If loot dropped from zombies more often, it would be great.

Сергей (гость)
August 1, 2024

The demands for food and drink in games are annoying. For something like this, I would like to be able to adjust or turn it off, especially when the game implements selective difficulty settings.


Despite the graphics, it's an interesting survival game.

The world is big enough to keep you stuck for a couple of weeks.

An interesting system for crafting and developing character skills.

It is moving gradually, although the developers are releasing updates for a long time!

Online made me happy :)

9.4 / 10
7.2 / 10
1 / 10
9.5 / 10
Sound and Music
6.2 / 10
9.6 / 10
9.6 / 10