Better Movement
Быстрое передвижениеuvelichenie-skorosti-peredvizhenija_1740026650_95276.zipArchive password: vgtimes
Еще более быстрое передвижениеuvelichenie-skorosti-peredvizhenija_1740026650_468927.zipArchive password: vgtimes
Works with Steam and Gamepass (PC) versions. Doesn't break achievements.
Includes 2 versions:
- Fast Movement: sprint +20%, walking/jogging +20%, crouching +20%, backpedaling from -35% to -15% compared to moving forward;
- Even Faster Movement: same as default, but sprint is 50% faster than vanilla.
How to launch:
- Unzip the archive content to the game folder. If everything is done correctly, 3 files 000_BetterMovement_P will appear in Alabama/Content/Paks/~mods.
Useful links: