Male faces for tiefling and half-elf

  • Baldur's Gate 3 — Male faces for tiefling and half-elf
  • Baldur's Gate 3 — Male faces for tiefling and half-elf
  • Baldur's Gate 3 — Male faces for tiefling and half-elf
  • Baldur's Gate 3 — Male faces for tiefling and half-elf
Author: Sion Astal
Size: 4.00 kB
Uploaded by: Flixx
Date: December 9, 2020, 11:32 AM
Downloads: 1326


This is an addition to the Customizer menu, designed for those who want to improve the customization of their male character. Adds new faces to male tieflings and half-elves.

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Мужские лица для тифлинга и полуэльфа


Это дополнение для меню Customizer, предназначенное для тех, кто хочет улучшить настройки мужского персонажа. Добавляет новые лица мужчинам-тифлингам и полуэльфам.

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