Cyberpunk 2077
The game from CD Projekt RED, the creators of The Witcher, inspired by the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020 by Mike Pondsmith. The player is sent to the year 2077... Read more
Walking slowly or quickly

Walk slowly and fast MOD. The author disabled Tab to view the scanner, since Caps Lock does the same thing. You can now walk normally by holding Tab, or walk a little faster by holding Tab + W. ...
Improved transport management

Better Vehicle Handling. .ini configuration file to make it easier to manage cars and motorcycles. To install, unpack the archive into the game folder.
Improved handling

Modify vehicle handling-all vehicles. This mod has all the original settings of the base game with driving changes for more control. These are just basic driving mechanics tweaked to make the game easier to control. Installation: Unpack the archi ...
Driven vehicles

less slippery vehicles. .ini file to make cars less slippery. To install, unzip the contents of the “Cyberpunk 2077” folder into the base folder.
Advanced Control

Enhanced Controls. This mod improves controls and makes it more convenient. Disables double pressing the movement keys (W, A, S, D) for dodging, adds an independent dodge button. Allows you to use the up/down scroll wheel to select dialog. Includes a ...
Instant disassembly

Instant disassembly. This mod changes the disassembly time from 0.8 seconds to 0.01 seconds.
Walking on the Alt key

Walking and Diagonal Walk (Near Perfect) (Driving Too). This mod will allow you to walk straight and diagonally while holding down the Alt key.
Changing control buttons

Better Controls Menu. This mod will help you change the standard keys to ones that are convenient for you. To install, copy to the config folder, overwriting the existing files. You can change: - Dodge (disables double tap dodge in favor of a dedi ...
Tab key to open menu

Tab key to open Game Menu (Crafting Map Inventory Character etc.). Use the Tab key to open the game menu (creation, inventory, character, etc.). To install, unpack the archive to this path / r6 / config.
Familiar control keys

Single tap dodge - Walk(HOLD) - E to interact. In this mod, many key bindings will be changed to avoid interference between them. Configuration: Interaction = E Evasion (One click) = LCtrl Walk (Hold) = ALT Slow Driving (Hold) = ALT Switch weapons ...
Slow walking in all directions

SLOW WALK in ALL directions. This mod adds a modifier button for slow walking (left ALT by default). You can hold the button and use WASD to walk slowly in all directions rather than just forward. If you want to replace the assigned button, open the ...
Ability to walk slowly

WALK key on PC. This mod adds the ability to walk while holding down the ALT key instead of constantly running around like a 10 year old with ADHD. Simply unzip and drag the contents into your Cyberpunk folder (e.g. C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steam ...