Cyberpunk 2077
The game from CD Projekt RED, the creators of The Witcher, inspired by the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020 by Mike Pondsmith. The player is sent to the year 2077... Read more
Don't annoy me anymore

Annoy Me No More. Fix the annoying "features" of this bloody game. Currently available: disable relic malfunctions, disable mantis blade finishers, skip call dialogue, block movement on landing, remove fall damage, jumping fixes, disable walk/don't w ...
Making all the clothes

Craft All Clothes. Allows you to create all clothing items. When you receive any item of clothing, you will also learn the recipe for that item of clothing. This includes quest items. Things like diving gear, boosters, space suit, and everything else ...
No equipment requirements

No equipment requirements. Thanks to this mod, you can equip items such as weapons, clothing, or cyberware that the game does not allow you to equip due to player level being too low, not having a perk, or street cred being too low. The mod is instal ...
Drone Companions - new operating system

The mod adds a new type of operating system to the game that allows you to create and control companion drones, androids and mechs. Drones are created in the Drones tab in the creation section. Cyberimplants have been moved to the Attachments and Mo ...
Mark for sale

Mark To Sell. Allows you to mark any item in your inventory as junk so that you can sell all marked items at once using the Sell Junk vendors option. The default hotkeys are S for the keyboard and Pad_X_SQUARE for the controller.
Let there be flight

let_there_be_flight. This is a mod (currently in beta) that adds a flying mechanism to all cars with several different modes and options. Just extract it and copy the contents to your game installation folder. Other features include: - World navi ...
Improved Romance with Judy

Judy Romanced Enhanced. Adds several different states for Judy when you visit her apartment after the affair. Includes a hug mod! Simply extract the ZIP file into your Cyberpunk 2077/archive/pc/mod folder. Basics: After romancing Judy, you gain ac ...
Hug Judy

Hugs - Judy. This mod allows the player to hug Judy in her apartment if he was having an affair with her. This is another educational/experimental mod aimed at teaching you how to edit scene files/graphs; but it is fully functional. It adds a new opt ...
Working slot machines

Playable Arcade Machines. This mod allows you to play various mini-games on physical arcade machines. What he does: - Adds four different arcade games - Allows you to play these games simply by interacting with the arcade machine - Each arcade gam ...
DualSense Adaptive Trigger Effects

DualSense Adaptive Trigger Effects. This mod adds support for adaptive triggers for the DualSense PS5 controller. Half of Next-gen on PC. This mod includes custom DualSense adaptive trigger settings for approximately 40 weapons. Also includes support ...
Motorcycle battles

Vehicle Combat. Allows the player to use weapons while driving and overhauls the police system to create frequent vehicle chases and combat. Possibilities: - Equip and aim all ranged weapons while driving any vehicle. - Equip and use melee weapons ...
Live in the city at night (aka survival mode)

Live in Night City (a.k.a. survival mode). Brings more gaming immersion with character needs. Functions: - Control your character's hunger, thirst and fatigue - Penalties depending on the character's level of needs (but cannot kill you) - Dynamic ...
Ejecting cartridges when reloading

Discard magazine ammo on reload. Discards remaining ammo in the magazine when reloading. While this won't fix V's terrible habit of throwing away magazines, it will remove the weird magic bullet magnet that V has. In other words: the remaining cartri ...
Manual reload

Manual Reload. I absolutely hate automatic reloading in shooters, so I made this mod to disable it. An alternative option (fire reload) is reloaded when attempting to fire from an empty magazine.
Turning on invisibility

Toggle Invisibility. This mod allows you to toggle the invisibility effect using a hotkey. Can be turned on and off at any time and under any conditions. Configuration: Go to "bin/x64/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/mods/InvisibleMod" and open "init.lua" ...