Cyberpunk 2077
The game from CD Projekt RED, the creators of The Witcher, inspired by the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020 by Mike Pondsmith. The player is sent to the year 2077... Read more
BMW M3 GTR from the game NFS Most Wanted

Additional car BMW M3 GTR from the game Most Wanted 2001, which does not require replacement. The handling is almost 1:1 like NFS MW (2005), yes, you are guaranteed to never spin in this car, and will make crazy turns at 150+ mph. To work you will ...
Improved motorcycle handling

Bike Overhaul. The bikes are now faster, handle better and feel unique. Be sure to install the REDmod DLC and enable mods. This process varies depending on your launcher. This mod is compatible with any ini mods for major car repairs. Installation ...
Major car repairs

Cyber Vehicle Overhaul. This mod overhauls the top speed, gearing, power, handling and brakes of each car. To install, unpack the downloaded archive to this path: bin/x64/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/mods. Improved cars: Archer Hella EC-D Archer ...
Car modification shop

Car Modification Shop. Modify your favorite players vehicles! Everything is in a physical location! With native interface! This mod requires Cyber Engine Tweaks. Just extract the zipped folder into your game folder or mod folder: Cyberpunk 2077/bin ...
Corporation Vehicle Set

Vehicle Pack - Corpo. Adds several corporation-related vehicles to the Virtual Car Dealer warehouse. To install, unpack the downloaded archive into the mods folder. Villefort Columbus: Arasaka, Kang-Tao, Netwatch Villefort Cortes: Arasaka, Kang-Tao ...
Truck set

Vehicle Pack - Utility. Adds several trucks to the Virtual Car Dealer range just for fun. - Kaukaz Bratsk: 4 options - Kaukaz Zeya: 2 options - Militech Behemoth: 5 colors - Thorton Mackinaw BMF
Neon disc color control

Neon Rims Color Control. A CET-based editor capable of changing neon disk colors on the fly! Suitable for every motorcycle and every appearance. The mod uses mechanics available since patch 1.5. To activate it, you need to press the horn button. If n ...

Metro System. The mod adds a full-fledged metro with 19 hand-crafted stations with their own names, their own interface and the ability to enable third- or first-person views. After installation, special markers for all 19 stations will appear that ...
Turbo-R "Arcadia"

The Turbo-R ''Arcadia'' Mk. V - The First Fully-Standalone Vehicle Mod. Finally, a fully autonomous, non-mod replacement car has arrived. After many months of research, trial and error, countless revisions and experiments, we finally have a truly aut ...
Batmobile - Carbine Tank 1000

Carbine Tank 1000. This mod replaces the standard Herrara Outlaw car with Batman's car from the game Batman: Arkham Knight. Installation at this path /Cyberpunk 2077/archive/pc/mod.
Broom «Nimbus 2000»

Nimbus 2000 (Arch Nazare replacement). Replacing the Arch Nazaré car with the flying Nimbus 2000 in all color options.
Collection of high quality car modifications

The DocWorks Multi-Pack - A Collection of High-Quality Vehicle Mods. This mod adds many new modifications for vehicles in Night City. This will allow you to create truly unique tuning for new cars.
"Millennium Falcon" from the movie "Star Wars"

Millennium Falcon 1.0. The Millennium Falcon replaces the Basilisk (tank). You need to jump from above to get into the cabin. Install this path Cyberpunk 2077/archive/pc/mod.
Porsche 911 Turbo Special Edition

The Porsche 911 Turbo II ''Outrun'' Special Edition - A Special Conversion by DoctorPortal. A complete departure from my previous mods, but I think many will appreciate it! Special edition Porsche 911 Turbo II “Outrun”. Custom color + decals.
Batmobile from the game Batman: Arkham Knight

Carbine Tank 1000. This mod will replace Herrara Outlaw with Carbine Tank 1000. Install this path Cyberpunk 2077/archive/pc/mod.