Cyberpunk 2077
The game from CD Projekt RED, the creators of The Witcher, inspired by the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020 by Mike Pondsmith. The player is sent to the year 2077... Read more
Attractive girl preset

Bijin Presets - Female 1. Attractive character preset. Here you will get a beautiful, but rather strong Caucasian girl.
Realistic color enhancement

Night City Enhanced Reshade. This is a Reshade preset that will enhance the game's original graphics with little or no performance impact, depending on your system. This will give a cleaner atmosphere, a slightly more realistic look, better color bal ...
Trainer (+62) [1.03]
![Trainer (+62) [1.03]](
Archive password: vgtimes Author: peizhaochen Edition: Steam Game Version: Latest Trainer Language: Chinese Number of Functions: 62 Trainer Creation Date: 12.10.2020 Functions: F1+2 Enable character attribute enhancement F1+4 Ricochet deals the m ...
Ruby Rose

(MU) Ruby Rose Inspired (Character Preset). This mod adds a face preset for the female protagonist that is based on Ruby Rose. To install, download the archive, which will contain everything in detail.
Ability to walk slowly

WALK key on PC. This mod adds the ability to walk while holding down the ALT key instead of constantly running around like a 10 year old with ADHD. Simply unzip and drag the contents into your Cyberpunk folder (e.g. C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steam ...
Red-haired girl preset

Redhead presets. This mod adds a beautiful face of a red-haired girl. All you need to do is set the settings sliders as described below. - Skin color 2 - Skin type 4 - Hairstyle 12 - Hair color 13 - Eyes 12 - Eye color 4 - Eyebrows 7 - Eyebrow color ...
Skipping avx check

AVX FIX. This fix skips checking for avx instructions. Installation: 1 Add the mod file to: Cyberpunk 2077 /bin/x64 2 Rename Cyberpunk2077.exe to Cyberpunk2077.exe.bak 3 Rename the mod file to Cyberpunk2077.exe 4 Launch. 5 Enjoy.
Immersive graphics and sharpening enhancements

Respectful Reshade - Immersive Enhancing and Sharpening. Reshade sharpens and enhances images while maintaining the appearance of the original. Make images clearer without any extra effort. This change aims to sharpen the image, improve colors and gi ...
Improved graphics

TrueShade. I present to you TrueShade, a new Reshade configuration based on a personally created LUT from a series of OLED images. Because TrueShade only uses one effect, there is no performance penalty. Installation: 1. Go to https://reshade.m ...
Realistic colors

Reshade Preset. This mod slightly changes the standard colors, making the image more realistic. Preset with 0% impact on game performance. All screenshots were taken at low game settings. Installation and configuration: 1 - Perform reshade setup a ...
More customization options

More Options. This mod takes all of the game's customization options and increases their values to extreme levels. To install, place the settings folder from the archive at this path / SteamLibrary / steamapps / common / Cyberpunk 2077 / r6 / confi ...
Improved Clarity

CyberPHUNK R35had3. This is a small mod that increases the overall clarity of the image to get rid of the blur effect.
Launching a game without a launcher

Red Launcher Remover. This mod removes the need to open the launcher before starting the game. Therefore, the game will launch directly. Tested on Steam, but should work with GOG. To install, unpack the archive into the game folder.
Interaction with the "E" key

E for UI Keyboard Mapping. Switches the default UI buttons to be more comparable to other games. This mod changes the UI controls to be more consistent with other similar games, most notably changing the activation/interaction button from F to E. ...
Increased view

Better Field Of View Slider. This mod changes the minimum field of view to 30 and the maximum to 150. Also changes the field of view step to 1 instead of 5. Installation: 1. Extract the .7z file using 7-Zip 2. Replace all files in this path C:/Pr ...