Disco Elysium
Disco Elysium is a text-based RPG with an isometric camera and point-and-click interface that has received worldwide recognition for its storyline and unusual... Read more
Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 02/14/2022]
1644921783_disco_elysium_version_2022-01-11.rarDownload 9.33 kBArchive password: vgtimes
Pass all white/red skill checks with double sixes - Pass all white/red skill checks using double sixes.
Pass all passive skill checks - Pass all passive skill checks
Unlock white/red check — Unlock white-red check
Free Heals - Free heals (the ability to heal health/morale using heal buttons without medicine, etc.)
Time Info — Time information
Player Character Info (open/close inventory after activating script to populate) — Edit player characteristics (experience, level, skills, money)
Skill/Ability Info (open character sheet to populate) — Edit information about skills/abilities
Startup process:
1. Launch Cheat Engine, "Load" and select table
2. "Select a process to open", select the desired process.
3. Select the desired option and check the box.
Pass all white/red skill checks with double sixes — Пройдите все бело-красные проверки навыков, используя двойные шестерки.
Pass all passive skill checks — Пройдите все проверки пассивных навыков
Unlock white/red check — Разблокировать бело-красную проверку
Free Heals — Бесплатные исцеления (возможность лечить здоровье / боевой дух с помощью кнопок исцеления без лекарств и т.п.)
Time Info — Информация о времени
Player Character Info (open/close inventory after activating script to populate) — Редактировать характеристики игрока (опыт, уровень, навыки, деньги)
Skill/Ability Info (open character sheet to populate) — Редактировать информация о навыках/способностях
Процесс запуска:
1. Запустить Cheat Engine, "Load" и выбрать таблицу
2. "Select a process to open", выбрать нужный процесс.
3. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.
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