Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 28.02.2025]
Functions and commands: Infinite ammo. Infinite Magazine + Infinite Money + Infinite Medkit. Infinite throwing items Grenades/Knives/C4/Moltovs. Infinite homeopathics / Inf potion. Infinite Perks Points. God mode. God mode + 1 HIT KILL. ...
Table for Cheat Engine (+6) [1.011]
Functions and commands: Numpad 1 — endless health; Numpad 2 — endless endurance; Numpad 3 - endless air; Numpad 4 — endless mission timer; Numpad 5 - endless ammo; Numpad 6 — stealth mode.
Table for Cheat Engine [1.014 / UPD:14.04.20]
I2CETState Saves and loads table state (i.e.: what memory records are enabled). Uses named states (i.e.: 'default', 'testState', or 'SuperCheated'), if no name is given then 'default' is used. Save Table State : Default Save Table State : ...