Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis is a third-person adventure with puzzle elements from developers Lucasfilm Games LLC. The game is published by...
Ancient Domains of Mystery is a top-down RPG with puzzle and fantasy elements. Ancient Dungeons of Mystery and ADOM are alternate titles for Ancient...
Humans is a strategy game with platformer and puzzle elements from the developers of Imagitec Design Inc.. The main publisher of the game is GameTek...
Zombi (1990) is a third-person action game with a mixture of adventure, horror and puzzle. The main publisher of the game is Ubisoft. The PC version...
Dungeon Master 2: Skullkeep is a first-person role-playing game with puzzle and fantasy elements from developers from the FTL Games studio. The game...
Gobliins 2: The Prince Buffoon is an adventure with puzzle elements from the Coktel Vision studio. The game is published by Sierra On-Line, Inc.. In...
7 Colors is a top-down strategy with a mixture of puzzle and sandbox from developers from the Gamos Ltd. studio. The game is published by Infogrames...
Contraption Zack is a third-person action game with a touch of strategy and puzzle from the developers of Presage Software, Inc.. The main publisher...