Return to Mysterious Island is an adventure with elements of quests and mini-games about a young traveler who sailed alone around the world. The game...
Nihilumbra is a platform puzzle game developed by BeautiFun Games that will take you into a world of unusual adventures and abstract inclination. You...
Azkend 2: The World Beneath is a strategy game with a hint of puzzle from the studio 10tons Ltd.. The main publishers of the game are MythPeople and...
Frankenstein: The Dismembered Bride is a first-person adventure with a dash of horror and puzzle from Mzone Studio and SOLILAB. The game is published...
Cut the Rope is a third-person strategy game with puzzle elements from the masters at ZeptoLab. The game is published by Chillingo Ltd. Cut the Rope...
Fluffy Birds is an arcade match-3 puzzle game for mobile platforms. A cute, enjoyable and easy to learn game awaits you, where you have to shift and...
Drawn: The Painted Tower is a first-person adventure with puzzle and fantasy elements from the masters at Big Fish Games, Inc. The game is published...
Bejeweled 2 is an action game with strategy and puzzle elements from developers from the studios Astraware Limited, Oberon Media, Inc., PopCap Games...
7 Wonders of the Ancient World is a third-person strategy game with puzzle elements from Hot Lava Games. The game is published by MumboJumbo, LLC. 7...
Luxor 2 is a top-down arcade game with a dash of action and puzzle from MumboJumbo, LLC. The game's primary publisher is MumboJumbo, LLC. Luxor 2 HD...
English Country Tune is a third-person strategy game with a hint of puzzle from the developers at increpare games. The game is published by Increpare...