Seed of Life is an adventure puzzle platformer with a third-person view in a sci-fi setting. The events of the game take place on the amazing planet...
LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures is an arcade action adventure game with a third-person view, based on the Indiana Jones movies. The game...
Riven: The Sequel to Myst is a continuation of the cult adventure series Myst. The events of the game take place in the world of Riven, to which the...
Neverhood is a classic plasticine quest with a side view and a lot of puzzles. The main character of the game is Clayman. The essence of the game is...
Space Rangers: Quest is a sci-fi text adventure with role-playing elements in the Space Rangers universe. You will have to investigate the nature of...
True Fear: Forsaken Souls is a mystical point and click adventure with horror elements and a lot of puzzles. The events of the game take place in an...
Pipe Push Paradise is a hardcore, top-down, open-world puzzle game about plumbing. You will find yourself on a large island where you need to solve a...
Murder by Numbers is an exciting puzzle game with elements of a visual novel in the Japanese style. The game takes place in Los Angeles in 1996. You...
Cube Escape Collection is an adventure puzzle game in the point and click genre. In this classic anthology of adventure games, you follow the path of...