Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered
Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered is a visually and technically enhanced version of the adventure game Marvel's Spider-Man, where the player, in the role of... Read more
Noir graphics

This is a ReShade Preset that turns your game into the Noir/Earth-90214 universe without looking too boring. To work you will need ReShade .
Animation by Miles Morales

This mod replaces the standard web flying animation with a new one used by Miles Morales.
True noir

Original title: True Noir. Turns the main menu, loading screens and daytime/sunset/nighttime into black and white. Not reshade.
Mixed atmosphere

Blendiful Atmosphere v.2. This preset causes the atmosphere to blend to create a realistic feeling of the world.
Blood Moon or red atmosphere (at night)

Blood Moon or Red Atmosphere (At Night). This mod simply makes the atmosphere at night look red and have a blood moon.
Walking on walls

Walk on Walls. Instead of wall crawling, why not just walk?
Cinematic reshade

NTD Cinematic Reshade. This mod makes the game's graphics more cinematic.
Sinister realism

AMAZING SINISTER REALISM RESHADE. This realistic reshade transforms the original look into a more movie accurate look inspired by The Amazing Spider-Man films. Productivity friendly.
Improved graphics

Enhanced Graphics. Graphics enhanced with Reshade. Features: - No green tint during the daytime; - No blue shadows in the sunrise; - No blue tint at night.
Disabling Auto Exposure

No AutoExposure. Removes auto exposure during the main time of day, as well as during cloudy and morning weather. It also turns on during the act with Fisk. The exposure will automatically re-adjust when/if you enter photo mode, it may also re-adjust ...
Earth 65 Graphics

Earth 65 ReShade Preset. ReShade preset that makes your game look like Gwen's universe from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.
Noir graphics from the game Shattered Dimensions

Shattered Dimensions Noir ReShade Preset. ReShade for a Shattered Dimensions Noir vibe. Here's a quick, simple guide if you've never used Reshade before: 1 Download the latest version of Reshade from their website 2 Launch Reshade and select Spider- ...
Graphics like in the cartoon "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse"

Into the Spider-Verse Reshade. The author tried to create a cartoon/comic look similar to the style of the movie Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Installation: Download and install reshade with all options selected, follow the instructions. ht ...
Comic-style graphics

Living Comic Mod RESHADE. I'm a comic book fan and in particular a fan of Todd McFarlane's version of Spider-Man. So this Reshade is inspired by that.
Miles Morales Animation Set

Miles Morales' Animation Set V3. This mod replaces the standard Spider-Man animations with those used in the Miles Morales game. The current known animations have been replaced by: - Forward swing intro - Freefall diving (and version with arms ra ...