MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries
MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries is a sci-fi action game with a first-person view. The game will take you to a sci-fi universe where several factions fight each other for... Read more
HD nail

Improved Mech Shader. This mod tweaks the textures of all furs to make them less uniform and more dirty. Also makes minor changes to weapon material. To install, unpack the archive into the Mods folder.
Improved graphics and weather

Ultra Visual and Weather. This mod improves the quality of graphics ((AO, shadows, lighting and post-processing) and changes the weather to extreme. Features: -Best ambient occlusion (less anti-aliasing) -Sunlighting of the cabin -Stronger atmosph ...
Big Fur Explosion

Bigger Critical Explosions. This mod significantly increases the size of the Mech's reactor explosion. Installation instructions: 1. Unzip the file and place the entire folder in the Mods directory (default C:/Program Files/Epic Games/MW5Mercs/MW ...
Reduced ammunition weight

Ammo Weight System. The ammunition system was developed during the development of production, it is capable of reducing the weight of ammunition. When an ammo box is loaded, it will be placed in a special container that may have no sense of weight t ...
Improved weapon sounds

Remastered MW4 Weapon Sounds. This mod replaces the sounds of standard weapons with the sounds of weapons from the game MechWarrior 4. Some sounds have been slightly improved.
Rare armor

Grayson Carlyle's Mech Variants. This mod brings several new armor options, some of which are rare and belong to special factions. Also, the mod contains SpeedTweak, which speeds up attacks and movement.
Removing jump animation while traveling

Remove JumpShip Animation. This mod removes the jump animation that plays every time you travel.
Industrial reshade

Original title: Industrial Reshade The graphics preset for MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries changes the game's color scheme to a more "dirty" hue. Reshade adds deeper shadows, darker blacks, and replaces the chromaticity of some shades with a grayer versi ...