Russian roulette

Russian Roulette. If you want to shoot mobs with a revolver, use this modification. True, you have to manually spin the drum, after which you can pull the trigger. When you run out of ammo, simply place the revolver on the workbench and it will char ...
Bombs and guns

Bombs and guns. With this mod you can add explosives, a flamethrower and a minigun to the game. Weapons can be used to destroy aggressive mobs.
Colds Steel - new types of cold weapons

A mod with which new types of bladed weapons will appear in your world. In addition to vanilla swords, you have at your disposal various daggers, battle axes and hammers, and staves.
Diamond - emerald

Diamond - Emerald Trader PC 1.15.2. This mod is intended for traders. Created with MCreator.
Weapons and armor

Techguns. This mod adds a huge number of new weapons and armor to the game. Features: - 3D models. - Recoil/reload animation. - Muzzle flashes. - First and third person. - New hostile NPCs that also use weapons. - Turrets that can use guns. - Dea ...
Strongest weapons

This mod contains two new ores, a sword and two new items. The sword is called Super Sword (I'm not good at coming up with names and this is my first mod) Ore 1 - Super Crystal Ore Ore 2 - Hyper Crystal Ore Items - Super Crystal and Hyper Crystal ...
New weapons

This mod adds 4 RPG style weapons: - a dagger tied to the soul, a fast melee weapon; - a sword tied to the soul, an intermediate level between a dagger and a great sword; - a sword bound to the soul, a slow melee weapon - a soul-bound staff, a ranged ...
Divine Weapon

This mod adds a new set of divine weapons to your game. Some weapons are not for combat use, but are nevertheless called divine. First, you dig into the ground and find glowing "divine ore", smelt it into "divine ingots", then turn it into a sword. W ...
Weapons from the game STALKER

This mod will add several new weapon options. Features: - 30 types of pistols - Available in both multiplayer and single player - New armor - Knives - Night-vision devices
Quiverbow – many new weapons
There are many mods that bring new weapons to Minecraft, but few are as good as Quiverbow. As the name suggests, it adds medieval bows and crossbows to the game. Among the standard varieties there are also exotic ones. For example, a cannon that shoo ...