Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord
Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord is a continuation of the series of role-playing action games set in a fictional medieval world full of battles. Horns are sounding, and... Read more
Translation of the “Culture Start” mod

Cultured Start (Rus). This mod completely translates the modification - Cultural start .
Translation of the “Total Income” mod

RUS — Sorted Income. This mod completely translates the modification - Total income .
Translation of the mod - “Major renovation of the arena”

Arena Overhaul - PYCCKUU MOD. The entire text that the author prepared for translation has been translated into sane Russian. To work you will need original mod .
Translation of the mod “Group Screen Improvements”

Party Screen Enhancements (1.8.0) Russian translation. This mod completely translates the modification - Group screen improvements .
Translation of the mod “Realistic battles”

Russian Translate For Realistic Battle Mod v 3.0.2. This mod completely translates the modification - Realistic battles .
Translation of the mod "Tetsojin (aka Ronin)"

Tetsojin (Aka. Ronin) — Russian translation. This mod completely translates the modification Tetsojin (aka Ronin) .
Translation of the mod "Trick"

Fourberie - PYCCKUU MOD. The entire text that the author prepared for translation has been translated into sane Russian. You will need original mod .
Translation of the mod "Trick"

Fourberie (Roguery) 1.6.0 RUS. Full translation of the mod Furbury (Fraud) . Download, upload, play. Game version: 1.6.0. Mod version: v2.1.0.0
Translation of the "Dismemberment" mod

Dismemberment Plus - PYCCKUU MOD. This mod completely translates the modification Dismemberment into Russian. Installation: 1. Install the original mod (vortex, or manually in the Modules folder, in the root of the game). 2. Next, go manually - go ...
Localization of the “Improved Garrisons” mod

RU Localization Improved Garrisons 2.0. Localization for Improved Garrisons 2.0. Requires original mod .
Translation of the “Improved Garrisons” mod

Improved Garrisons Rus. Translation into Russian of the Improved Garrisons fashion. The language file used is Improved Garrisons version
Translation of the “Improved Garrisons” mod

Improved Garrisons 3.0 Ru. Translation into Russian mod Improved Garrisons 3.0 . Add this mod to the Modules folder instead of the English mod.
Mod translation - "Legacy of Horberax"

Xorberax's Legacy(RUS). This mod completely translates into Russian the modification - Legacy of Horberax.
Translation of the mod “Mod Configuration Menu - configuration menu”

Mod Configuration Menu Russifier (Russian) (Outdated). This mod completely translates the modification into Russian - Mod Configuration Menu - configuration menu.
Localization of the “Daily experience gain” mod

Party Daily Training - RU Translation. This mod completely translates the modification into Russian - Daily experience gain .