Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord
Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord is a continuation of the series of role-playing action games set in a fictional medieval world full of battles. Horns are sounding, and... Read more
Translation of the mod "Tetsojin (aka Ronin)"

Tetsojin (Aka. Ronin) — Russian translation. This mod completely translates the modification Tetsojin (aka Ronin) .
Tetsojin (aka Ronin)

Tetsojin (Aka. Ronin). Added a faction similar to samurai, join them or conquer them, this is not intended to be an exact match for Japan but it is inspired by samurai equipment. Use full translation into Russian. ADDED: - banners for tetsojin - ...
Archer placement

Scatter Around Expanded. This mod allows you to place strategic points for archers during battle. This improves the game's tactical capabilities. This mod was created to expand the tactical capabilities of the game. With it, you can place Strategic P ...
Translation of the mod "Trick"

Fourberie - PYCCKUU MOD. The entire text that the author prepared for translation has been translated into sane Russian. You will need original mod .
Translation of the mod "Trick"

Fourberie (Roguery) 1.6.0 RUS. Full translation of the mod Furbury (Fraud) . Download, upload, play. Game version: 1.6.0. Mod version: v2.1.0.0

Fourberie (Cunning). "Fourberie" is a French word that can be translated in many different ways, but the best (for this mod) is "cunning". Here you will have access to a large panel of features that allow you to experience new play styles. Create a r ...
Translation of the "Dismemberment" mod

Dismemberment Plus - PYCCKUU MOD. This mod completely translates the modification Dismemberment into Russian. Installation: 1. Install the original mod (vortex, or manually in the Modules folder, in the root of the game). 2. Next, go manually - go ...

DismembermentPlus. This mod adds full dismemberment/decapitation. If you have the skill, you can remove an enemy's head, arm, hand, leg or foot. All options are on the table, or rather on the tip of your axe, sword or glaive. Enjoy, and let your enem ...
Localization of the “Improved Garrisons” mod

RU Localization Improved Garrisons 2.0. Localization for Improved Garrisons 2.0. Requires original mod .
Translation of the “Improved Garrisons” mod

Improved Garrisons Rus. Translation into Russian of the Improved Garrisons fashion. The language file used is Improved Garrisons version
Translation of the “Improved Garrisons” mod

Improved Garrisons 3.0 Ru. Translation into Russian mod Improved Garrisons 3.0 . Add this mod to the Modules folder instead of the English mod.
Improved Garrisons

Improved Harrisons. Customize your fief's management with recruiters, advanced troop training with templates, automatic garrison recruitment, offline UI, custom units with orders, and more! Use one of the translations into Russian: - Localization o ...
Mod translation - "Legacy of Horberax"

Xorberax's Legacy(RUS). This mod completely translates into Russian the modification - Legacy of Horberax.
Legacy of Horberax

Xorberax's Legacy. This collection is a working update of some of the great mods originally developed by Xorberax, all compiled into one module. This package includes MCM integration. Providing the ability to change settings during the game. You can ...
UIExtenderEx - interface patch

UIExtenderEx. A rewritten fork of UIExtenderLib with a similar goal - to allow multiple mods to modify the default game interface. Installation: This module should be one of the highest in the load order. Ideally it should load after Bannerlord.H ...