Nioh 2: Complete Edition
Nioh 2: Complete Edition — the complete edition of the hardcore role-playing action game Nioh 2 with a third-person view in Japanese style, including all... Read more
Vergil's costume from the game DMC 5
www.nexusmods.comDownloadArchive password: vgtimes
DMC5 Vergil Inspired Outfit - Male Only.
I made several retextures of the robe and pants of Yatagarasu's boots, Warrior of the East and Governor Tosa's Gauntlets. Yamato was also repainted to look more like Vergil's Yamato. This costume is designed to be played on a male character, but the textures can be displayed on female characters as well.
DMC5 Vergil Inspired Outfit — Male Only.
Я сделал несколько ретекстур робы и штанов сапог Ятагарасу, Воина Востока и Рукавиц губернатора Тосы. Также Ямато был перекрашен, чтобы он больше походил на Ямато Вергилия. Этот костюм предназначен для игры на мужском персонаже, но текстуры могут отображаться и на женских персонажах.
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