Games Red Dead Redemption 2 All reviews Review from Иван Непейвода

Hi all.

Red dead redemption 2 is a very controversial project for many. For some it’s dull *ahem*, but for others it’s the best game of the year. Let’s figure it out.

PLOT: it's very original. How many games have you seen in the last 5 years about redemption? I'm sure no more than three. Today's trends are revenge. Hello, Ubisoft! Some characters are hateful, as intended, which tells us about the good ones dialogues and direction.

GRAPHICS: it’s gorgeous. Unfortunately, my 1660 super can’t handle everything at maximum speed, but even at high-ultra with anti-aliasing (except TAA) and scaling turned off, it looks great. With optimization everything is ok, the game runs at 40-50 fps and throughout the entire game there were no significant drops in FPS.

GAMEPLAY: everything is balanced. Run here, shoot here. Just because of the first, many people don’t like this game. But the controls let us down. Very often, instead of getting on a horse, Arthur grabs a passing person and similar situations happened with me the whole game.

Music: AMAZING. I listen to many soundtracks just for fun. The sound matches its setting and suits the situation.

LOCALIZATION: It is only available in text form. Of course, it’s better to listen than to read subtitles, but it doesn’t really bother me.)

MULTIPLAYER: Don’t go there. Eternal cheaters, crashes from the session and bugs will only spoil the impressions of games.

Have a good game:)

8 / 10
9 / 10
9 / 10
7.5 / 10
Sound and Music
9 / 10
6 / 10
7.5 / 10
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