Red Dead Redemption 2

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Red Dead Redemption 2 - what kind of game is it, trailer, system requirements, reviews and ratings, prices and discounts, guides and walkthrough, similar games RDR2

Continuation of the 2008 third-person action-adventure game set in a large open world. Players are once again invited to conquer the Wild West, with a host of... Read more

Publishers / Distributors / Localizers:

Continuation of the 2008 third-person action-adventure game set in a large open world. Players are once again invited to conquer the Wild West, with a host of interesting activities and storyline missions, and to take on the role of Arthur Morgan — one of the leaders of the Van der Linde gang, which robs, fights and steals on its way through the vast heart of America.

PC version features:

  • At the time of release, achieving high graphics levels while maintaining reasonable system requirements was only possible with skillful tuning.
  • Support for 4K, HDR, ultra-wide resolutions, and multiple monitors has been added;
  • The resolution of grass, fur, trees, and snow textures has been increased, utilizing improved global illumination and ambient occlusion technology;
  • The draw distance for objects has been increased, and high-resolution shadows have been introduced;
  • Free access to multiplayer, and no payment is required for subsequent updates, with paid features limited to cosmetics and currency.
  • Mouse and keyboard support has been added, but it will take time to get used to the specific control system.
  • Compatibility with PS4 and XOne gamepads has been preserved.
  • All content (missions, fixes, and improvements) integrated, released over the year for PS4 and XOne.

Genre and gameplay

Western open-world action game with first and third-person shooting, Red Dead Redemption 2 was released on October 26, 2018, for PS4 and Xbox One.

Most gameplay mechanics have been significantly overhauled. A realistic life simulation has emerged, with numerous small responsibilities, blurring the line between side and storyline quests. The shooting mechanics have changed, with characters being taught to shoot with both hands. Melee combat has also been improved.

There is full interaction with horses — they need to be lassoed, ridden, and later regularly cleaned and fed to increase loyalty levels. The pristine nature of the game world meets players with hostility — alligator or bear attacks are not uncommon.

There are over 50 unique "guns" with customization options, as well as various types of ammunition — to improve accuracy, range, or damage. The character retains memory of the weapons — the longer they are used, the better they perform. Weapons also need to be cleaned and oiled.

Among the player's abilities is Dead Eye from previous installments. It slows down time, allowing targets to be marked, and then watching as the protagonist takes them out in record time. Slow motion will also activate during certain kills, showcasing the enemy's death.

RDR 2 features high-quality graphics, colorful visual effects of explosions and weather, a new cinematic animation system for characters, NPCs, and animals, with day and night cycles as well as weather changes implemented. Even corpses do not disappear, but decay and attract vultures and coyotes.

Backstory of the game world

After 8 years of development, Red Dead Redemption 2 received a colossal game world that even contains all the locations from the first game. You can travel through RDR 2 on foot or on horseback, which makes it seem even larger.

There are several game zones, each geographically reflecting a certain area of the central USA at the end of the 19th century and its climatic conditions — there are sun-scorched deserts, hot tropics, meadows and fields, snowy expanses, and mountain passes.

The game features large cities and small villages, industrial sites — mines, factories, railroads, fields and meadows, canyons and caves, lakes and rivers, as well as various natural attractions , such as the snowy Hagen Mountain and the humid swamps of Lagras. The player can explore all of this, with virtually no restrictions.


Red Dead Redemption 2 is a prequel to the first game. The writers spent a lot of time developing the character of the Van der Linde gang and revealing its members before it fell apart. The game begins with a failed train robbery, forcing the gang to go on the run. They are pursued by three bounty hunter teams, which keeps them constantly on the move, traveling from East to West across the central USA.

The gang was at the peak of fame, and then everything starts to fall apart. Now the protagonist must support it and prevent its members from dying. The story will focus on Arthur Morgan, who is the most reliable man of Dutch. For him, the gang is family. He grew up with Dutch, their relationship is like that of a son and a father.

Players will face criminal conflicts typical of the Wild West at the end of the 19th century: enslavement and subsequent debt collection, train and bank robberies, and murders of those who get in the way.

To learn how to complete Red Dead Redemption 2 100%, read our guide.


In Red Dead Redemption 2 there are many well-developed characters, and each has its own personality that players will have to deal with throughout the game. Let's list the main characters:

  • The player will have to take on the role of Arthur Morgan — a brutal, vile, and cynical criminal, one of the gang leaders. A cunning, calculating, and ruthless man, but he has a certain code of honor. Even as a child, Arthur became the most skilled and trusted fighter in Dutch's crew, so his whole life is one big criminal adventure.
  • Dutch Van Der Linde — the leader of a gang of thugs and outcasts, numbering more than 20 people, men and women. He is an idealistic, charismatic, well-read middle-aged man, but at the same time, as a true anarchist, he wants to experience all the pleasures of the modern world. He is one of the allies of the main character.
  • John Marston, the main character of the first game, is portrayed in RDR 2 differently — as a young man who is deeply immersed in bandit romance, which he will be ashamed of in the first game. Strong, fearless, and determined, he is one of Dutch's best men alongside Arthur Morgan.
  • Sadie Adler is a widow consumed by a thirst for revenge for her murdered husband. She has nothing to lose and is not someone to build a relationship with. However, she values her friends. This is a completely new character for the series, who only appeared in Red Dead Redemption 2.
  • Javier Escuella is a bounty hunter with a bad reputation and simultaneously a Mexican revolutionary. Javier immediately found common ground with Dutch because he shares many of his ideals. Very loyal, notorious, and devoted. In the first part, Escuella is one of the central characters and also the second antagonist alongside his companion Dutch.

Single Player

Like other games from Rockstar, Red Dead Redemption 2 offers a huge "entertain yourself" attraction: completing quests or exploring the game world, progressing through the story, or encountering outlaws and enemy gangs randomly.

The world of the Wild West is filled with the spirit of adventure, and finding something to do is easy. You can go with the gang to rob banks and stagecoaches or set up an ambush for passing traders. Arthur himself can rob someone's house or go hunting and bring food back to the gang.

Interacting with companions is an important part of the gameplay. Fish, hunt or rob someone together, discuss the news, and keep an eye on your honor. It defines the style of play — a despicable criminal or a noble pirate, influencing the consequences and opportunities.


The multiplayer of Red Dead Redemption 2 was launched on November 26, 2018, in beta testing, with a full release in May 2019. The online mode of RDR 2, like that of GTA 5, is built on the extensive open world of the game, featuring both story missions and purely multiplayer experiences.

Many updates were released in the year following the launch: performance improvements; bug fixes; gameplay enhancements, such as controls; and the introduction of an in-game store. New content for Red Dead Online was released over several years after launch.

Interesting features:

  • The protagonist can rest in a gang camp, interact with its members, take on various missions, and must protect the community, hunt, and keep everyone in good spirits.
  • The hero loses and gains weight depending on the food consumed daily, and facial hair grows in real-time.
  • The level of customization of appearance is insane — you can even decide, for example, whether Arthur's pants are tucked into his boots or not, whether the sleeves are rolled up or buttoned.

Trailers, gameplay, and other videos

Red Dead Redemption 2: Official Trailer #3
Red Dead Redemption 2 Trailer
Red Dead Redemption 2: The MODDED Wacky West
Red Dead Redemption 2: Official Trailer #2
Red Dead Redemption 2: Official Gameplay Video

Store Offers and Discounts

System requirements and PC test

  • Windows 7
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-2500K
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • Free Space: 150 GB
  • VRAM: 2 GB
  • Video Card: GeForce GTX 770
  • Keyboard, Mouse
  • Windows 10
  • CPU: Intel Core i7-4770K
  • RAM: 12 GB
  • Free Space: 150 GB
  • VRAM: 6 GB
  • Video Card: GeForce GTX 1060
  • Keyboard, Mouse
PC test

Reviews and ratings

Red Dead Redemtion 2 is definitely one of the best games that is definitely worth playing. This game showed what can be achieved through long and thoughtful development work. The thoughtfulness and detail of the game only makes you give it a standing ovation.

Yes, perhaps this detail gets boring over time and the game turns into tedious. It's a matter of taste. This cannot be considered a disadvantage of the game.

As for localization, undoubtedly, the entire Russian-speaking audience would like to hear their native speech. However, a person who knows English above average will tell you that you will not hear such voice acting, which the game developers gave us, in any other language. Although, perhaps, it was worth trying on localization.

I recommend playing this game at least to fans of West… Read full

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Red Dead Redemtion 2 — безусловно, одна из лучших игр, в которую явно стоит поиграть. Эта игра показала, что можно получить путём долгих и продуманных работ разработчиков. Продуманность и детализованность игры заставляет лишь аплодировать стоя.

Да, возможно, эта детализованность со временем "приедается" и игра превращается в нудную. Тут дело вкуса. Нельзя относить это к минусам игры.

Что касается локализации — несомненно, всей русскоязычной аудитории хотелось бы слышать родную речь. Однако человек, знающий английский выше среднего, скажет вам, что такой озвучки, которую подарили нам разработчики игры, вы не услышите больше ни на одном языке. Хотя, возможно, постараться над локализацией и стоило.

Рекомендую поиграть в эту игру как минимум фанатам вестернов или любителям досконально прора… Read full

10 / 10
9 / 10
10 / 10
7.5 / 10
Sound and Music
10 / 10
5.5 / 10
7 / 10

Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the best games of this year (IMHO), along with God of War. The game is simply a cool open world, with a lot of random events, activities, animals and beautiful landscapes. It's been a while since a video game surprised me as much as RDR2 did. The last one I remember is The Witcher 3. I recommend it to all fans of Westerns and exciting action films.

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Red Dead Redemption 2 — одна из лучших игр этого года (ИМХО), вместе с God of War. В игре просто крутатенский открытый мир, с уймой случайных событий, активностей, животными и красивейшими пейзажами. Уже давненько меня так не удивляли видеоигры, как это сделала RDR2. Последняя на моей памяти — Ведьмак 3. Советую всем поклонникам вестернов и захватывающих боевиков.

10 / 10
9 / 10
9 / 10
7 / 10
Sound and Music
10 / 10
5.5 / 10
5.5 / 10

Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of those games that kept me hooked for hours on end...and it will keep you hooked too. It contains a lot of varied content, opportunities (from catching criminals to order to hunting birds and shaving a beard), and also has a very cool plot. And a LOT of interesting side quests. I advise all fans of action films and the Wild West to play.

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Red Dead Redemption 2 — это одна из тех игр, которая увлекла меня на долгие часы прохождения... И вас она тоже затянет. В ней присутствует очень много разнообразного контента, возможностей (от Ловли преступников на заказ до охоты на птичек и бритья бороды), а так же присутствует очень классный сюжет. И очень МНОГО интересных побочных заданий. Всем любителям боевиком и Дикого Запада, советую поиграть.


Red Dead Redemption 2 This game is as good as the previous part But I would like the same fashion as in the first part about zombies But the game is worth the money It's guaranteed

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Red Dead Redemption 2 Эта игра также хороша как и предыдущая часть Но хотелось бы такова же мода как и в первой часть про зомби Но Игра стоит своих денег Это гарантированно

ВЕСНА (гость)
November 5, 2019

Fire game. The plot is higher even than GTA 5. Well done developers

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Игра огонь. сюжетище выше даже чем гта 5. молодцы разрабы

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