Neo Super Robot Wars is a strategy game with elements of an anime or manga game and a robot simulator from developers from the Banpresto studio. The...
Wacky World of Sports is a third-person racing game with elements of a baseball simulator, a golf simulator and a sports game from the developers of...
Game released (Japan): October 29, 2009 → Nintendo DS
Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light is a third-person role-playing game with a fantasy twist from the developers of Matrix Software and Square Enix...
Game released (The whole world): October 29, 2009 → iOS
Online chess where players from all over the world can meet. In addition to the regular mode, gamers can improve their rating by completing tactical...
Tropico 3 is a third-person strategy game with business simulator and sandbox elements from the developers of Haemimont Games AD. The main publisher...
Game released (Europe): October 30, 2009 → PlayStation 3
Buzz! Quiz World is a third-person arcade game with elements of a beat-'em-up game and an educational game from the developers of Relentless Software...
Zombies Ate My Neighbors is an isometric arcade game with a mixture of action, shooter and horror from developers from LucasArts studio. The game is...