Desire is a first-person adventure with elements of an anime or manga game and an adult game from developers from C's Ware studio. The main publisher...
Gensei Kitan: Disc Saga 3 is a top-down RPG with an anime/manga/fantasy twist from the developers at Compile. The game is published by Compile. It is...
Call of Cthulhu: Shadow of the Comet is a third-person adventure with horror elements from the developers of Infogrames Europe SA. The main publisher...
IF 3 is a first-person adventure with anime/manga and adult game elements from Active Software. The game is published by Active Software. Perhaps IF...
Dungeon Hack is a first-person role-playing game with fighting, puzzle, fantasy and sandbox elements from DreamForge Intertainment, Inc.. The game is...
Psychic Detective Series Vol.5: Nightmare is a first-person adventure with an anime/manga twist from the masters at Data West. The game is published...
Viper V-12 is a first-person adventure with an anime/manga twist, an adult game, and a visual novel from the developers at Sogna. The main publisher...
Nocturnal Illusion is a first-person adventure with elements of an anime/manga game and an adult game from the masters at Apricot Studio. The game is...