Rugrats in Paris: The Movie (2000) is an arcade game with adventure elements from the masters from the KnowWonder, Inc. studio. The game is published...
Alchemia: Extended Version is a third-person adventure with puzzle and fantasy elements from developers at Springtail Studio. The main publishers of...
Grand Theft Auto 4: The Lost and Damned is an add-on for an exciting action game with a third-person view Grand Theft Auto 4. In the game you take on...
Game released (The whole world): April 20, 2010 → PC
Outcast (1999) is a first-person action game with shooter and puzzle elements from developers from the Appeal S.A. studio. The main publisher of the...
Game released (The whole world): April 22, 2010 → PC
Mystery Case Files Collection 1-5 is a first-person adventure with horror elements from the developers of Big Fish Games, Inc. The main publisher of...
Game released (The whole world): April 22, 2010 → PC
Hidden Expedition Collection 1-3 is a first-person adventure with a hint of puzzle from Big Fish Games, Inc. The game is published by Big Fish Games...
Black Sails: Das Geisterschiff is a third-person adventure with puzzle elements from the developers of DECK13 Interactive GmbH. The main publisher of...
Game released (The whole world): April 22, 2010 → PC
Unsolved Mystery Club: Amelia Earhart is a first-person adventure with puzzle elements from the developers of Freeze Tag, Inc.. The game is published...