Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil 3 — a remake of the legendary action-horror with a fixed camera Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. Get ready to immerse yourself once again in the chaos of... Read more
Shadow enhancement

shadow restoration reshade. This mod uses filters to create better shadow effects and colors. INSTALLATION Copy everything from the “shadow restoration reshade” folder to your main RE3 folder. IMPORTANT Open ReShade.ini and change CurrentPre ...
Reshaded by saa0891

Removes soap and makes the picture clearer, brighter and more saturated. Installation: 1. Launch ReShade, select the executable, then Direct3D 10/11/12 2.Mark only these shaders [Clarity.fx] [Colourfulness.fx] [Levels.fx] [LumaSharpen.fx] 3.Start ...
Improved post-processing

ReTouch Reshade. This mod improves post-processing and color. Installation: - Copy everything from the "RE3ReShade" folder to the main RE3 DEMO folder. - Open the ReShade.ini file and change CurrentPresetPath=D:/Games/Steam/steamapps/common/RE3D ...
Alternative lighting

Graphic settings preset for the horror game Resident Evil 3, which makes the game brighter. The idea of the author of the preset is to create an alternative feeling of light in the game. To achieve this, the game has increased the brightness of all ...
Deeper atmosphere

Matyus Immersive Reshade. This mod changes the graphics in the game, making it more realistic and dark. The archive with the mod contains the necessary shaders, so you don’t have to download anything, just install and play.
Cinematic graphics preset

Original title: Doom Eternal Color Grading Pack A simple graphic preset for the horror game Resident Evil 3 makes the game look more cinematic. The preset changes the standard brightness, black depth, and red settings to achieve warmer tones. Requi ...
Removing a vignette

A graphical modification for the horror game Resident Evil 3 removes the vignette effect, which will allow you to better view the game. The mod works for the DX11 and DX12 versions of the game. Installation: Unpack the archive and run the executable ...
The picture is clearer, brighter and more saturated

Removes soap and makes the picture clearer, brighter and more saturated. Made for a demo, but I think it will be suitable for a full game in the future. Installation: 1. Launch ReShade, select the executable, then Direct3D 10/11/12 2.Mark only thes ...