Evie dressed as Ada Wong
![Evie dressed as Ada Wong](https://files.vgtimes.com/download/posts/2024-04/thumbs/ivi-v-kostjume-ady-vong_1712735039_374793.webp)
Evie in Ada Wong costume with full body physics. How to run: unpack this path Sifu/Content/Paks/mods.
Evie in a tracksuit
![Evie in a tracksuit](https://files.vgtimes.com/download/posts/2024-04/thumbs/ivi-v-sportivnom-kostjume_1712734928_933652.webp)
Eevee in a tracksuit with hair physics and facial animation.
Psylocke costume
![Psylocke costume](https://files.vgtimes.com/download/posts/2023-12/thumbs/kostjum-psajjlok_1703579716_144976.webp)
Adds a Psylocke costume for a female hero. How to run: unpack to this path /Sifu/Content/Paks/mods.
Alex's clothes from the game Half Life 2
![Alex's clothes from the game Half Life 2](https://files.vgtimes.com/download/posts/2023-08/thumbs/odnzhda-aliks-iz-igry-half-life-2_1691126003_259687.webp)
Replaces the black tracksuit. How to run: unpack to this path /Sifu/Content/Paks/mods.
Wesker costume from the game Resident Evil 5
![Wesker costume from the game Resident Evil 5](https://files.vgtimes.com/download/posts/2023-08/thumbs/kostjum-veskera-iz-igry-resident-evil-5_1691125796_145929.webp)
Replaces the Swat suit. How to run: unpack to this path /Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/mods.
Street clothes
![Street clothes](https://files.vgtimes.com/download/posts/2023-08/thumbs/ulichnaja-odezhda_1691125488_515343.webp)
Clothes from the game Street Fighter 5. For both genders.
Claire's jacket
![Claire's jacket](https://files.vgtimes.com/download/posts/2023-06/thumbs/kurtka-kljer_1687929549_311230.webp)
This mod adds Claire's jacket for the female character.
Prisoner's clothes
![Prisoner's clothes](https://files.vgtimes.com/download/posts/2023-06/thumbs/odezhda-zakljuchennogo_1687929287_939690.webp)
Adds a prisoner costume for a female character. How to run: unpack to this path /Sifu/Content/Paks/mods.
Mafioso costume
![Mafioso costume](https://files.vgtimes.com/download/posts/2022-07/thumbs/1659057793_704-1658504078-1395072280.webp)
Mafiosofu (coat physics). Tommy Angelo's coat with physics. To install, unpack the downloaded archive to this path: Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/mods.
Hitomi's costumes from the game Dead or Alive
![Hitomi's costumes from the game Dead or Alive](https://files.vgtimes.com/download/posts/2022-07/thumbs/1658986589_695-1658311756-1073954897.webp)
DOA Hitomi Outfits. This mod adds a Hitomi costume for the female protagonist. To install, unpack the downloaded archive to this path - /Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/mods.
Sportswear SF Ibuki
![Sportswear SF Ibuki](https://files.vgtimes.com/download/posts/2022-07/thumbs/1658034542_675-1657732010-310537742.webp)
SF Ibuki Sports Outfit. This mod adds a new tracksuit for the female protagonist. To install, unpack the downloaded archive to this path /Epic Games/Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/mods.
Women's training suit
![Women's training suit](https://files.vgtimes.com/download/posts/2022-07/thumbs/1657695899_662-1657142509-865373507.webp)
Workout Outfit. Individual image of the main character. Includes physics and aging. Installation: Extract the zip into the ~mods folder.
Saboteurfu pack (both physics). Saboteur clothing for the main character. Includes male and female versions. Installation at this path /Sifu/Content/Paks/mods.
Alex Mercer's clothes
![Alex Mercer's clothes](https://files.vgtimes.com/download/posts/2022-05/thumbs/1653987019_533-1653172401-717670039.webp)
ProtoFu. Alex Mercer's outfit for Shifu. Place the pak in Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/mods, if mods does not exist, create it and place it in a folder.
Sheriff with tie physics
![Sheriff with tie physics](https://files.vgtimes.com/download/posts/2022-05/thumbs/1653542321_514-1652634060-692177756.webp)
Hope sheriff (tie physics). Sheriff Hope's uniform for the main character. To install, unpack the downloaded archive to this path: Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/mods.