All outfits and skills unlocked

This save is for those who want to use all available outfits and skills. How to run: unpack to this path C:/Users/YOURPCNAME/AppData/Local/Sifu/Saved/SaveGames/RANDOMNMBR.
Moon Knight Moveset

Moon Knight Moveset. Changes the main character's moveset to one befitting the Moon Knight we saw in the MCU series, inspired by the fight segments from the series. Basically all moves have been replaced with moves used by enemies or bosses from the ...
Quick Evasion

QUICK_DODGE. Fast and reactive evasion with a longer evasion range. Plus more health.
Iron Strike

IRON PUNCH MOVESET. A new moveset that uses only fists for brutal combos. And the use of fajar goes to the blade. Features: - Longer light combo with unique use of fist and heavy aggressive combo. - Use bodyguard grab to disarm enemies, throw ene ...
Fast enemy attacks

Faster Enemy Attacks. Reduces attack frames for all non-boss enemies, making them attack faster. This will make the game more difficult! How to install: Place the pak and sig files in the Sifu/Content/Paks/~mods folder.
God Mode (Unlimited Health)

God Mode (Unlimited Health). Unlimited health. Place the pak and sig files in this path Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/~mods. This mod should be compatible with other mods.
Death in one hit

1 HP MOD. Live or die, your choice! With this 1 HP mod you will die after ONE hit, so be sure to survive! Installation: Place pak in Sifu/Sifu/Content/Paks/~mods folder.