New game plus
This mod places the player right after accepting New Game Plus. You can complete the main quest or skip it. Level 30 with a varied set of skills and abilities.
Saving with Lucy
The kit includes a class C ship, which the author added to the finished ship taken from the leader. Mantis costume. Partially completed main quest. One mission has bugs: "End of Legacy" and "Burden of Proof", which are essentially the same thing.
Starfield Script Extender (SFSE)

This is a tool that adds additional scripting features and functionality to the game. After installation, the game must be launched via sfse_loader.exe.
Get access to all resources

A modification that will facilitate the process of collecting various materials. How to use the cheat: Launch the game; Press the “~” key to call the console; Enter the command bat mats; From the list, select the resource you need.
Automatic quick saves

This modification makes automatic saves and stores them in a separate folder. How to run: Download the archive with the mod and unpack it. Right-click on the file starfield-backup.ps1 and select the option "Run" using PowerShell. The s ...
2 billion credits at launch
For those who want to experience what it's like to live the life of a billionaire. How to run: unpack to this path Documents/My Games/Starfield/Saves.
Disabling TAA Blur

Eliminates TAA blur.
Trainer (+36) from 09/04/2023 [WeMod]
Trainer creation/update date: 09/04/2023 Trainer language: English Number of functions: 36 During the gameplay, click on the desired hotkeys (which can be edited) and get the desired result. Activating functions with the mouse is only available in ...
Saving before character creation
A useful save that allows you to skip the annoying part of walking at a snail's pace. In the game loading menu, press B (Character Select) and select “Player”.
Bitches - Asian preset
A level 1 character named Suki. Saved immediately after character creation. Origin - diplomat, character traits - hero who is worshiped, children's things and dream home. No mods required. How to run: unpack this path My Games/Starfield/Saves. ...
Adding all clothes, helmets, backpacks

Script to add all clothes, helmets and backpacks in the game to your inventory. How to run: unpack to this path C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Starfield. press tilde: cls - clothes; hel - helmets; backpack - backpac ...
Saving with Alita
Saving the game immediately after character creation. No mods. How to run: unpack to this path C:/Users/XXX/Documents/My Games/Starfield/Saves.
New game plus
Clean save, no mods with all abilities unlocked. How to run: unpack to this path C:/Users/Name/Documents/My Games/Starfield/Saves.
Using cheat codes without blocking achievements [UPD: 09/01/2023]
![Using cheat codes without blocking achievements [UPD: 09/01/2023]](
Using console commands in the game blocks achievements and marks the saved game as modified. This fix removes the blocking of achievements and save tags. Installation : Copy the contents of the archive to the root of the installed game.
Trainer (+24) from 09/01/2023 [WeMod]
Trainer creation/update date: 09/01/2023 Trainer language: English Number of functions: 24 During the gameplay, click on the desired hotkeys (which can be edited) and get the desired result. Activation of functions with the mouse is only available ...