Odyssey is a real RPG

The mod features a consistent and exciting role-playing process. Along with improving the gameplay, graphics and user interface, this collection aims to transform Starfield into a true role-playing game. Gameplay difficulties have been rebala ...
Improved combat AI

NPCs in Starfield often just stand around and contemplate their next actions. With this mod, NPCs will become more active and act more intelligently. NPCs are more likely to fire their weapons; they will shoot from cover and change their posi ...
99 hours wait

Increases the maximum wait time from 24 to 99 hours. The speed of time moving forward does not change. How to run: unpack this path Documents/My games/Starfield.
Automatic view switching when aiming

This mod allows you to automatically switch to first person view when aiming a weapon and back to third person when you release it. How to run: unpack to this path Steamapps/common/Starfield/Data/SFSE/Plugins.
Removing lags during sprint

Fixed twitching/stuttering when sprinting in first person. Installation using Starfield Script Extender (SFSE).
Travel without fast travel

Travel between planets without fast travel. Don't forget to back up your save file. How to run: open the photo mod, select your ship and copy the ship ID, assign a value to the codes and paste into the console: your ship id.setav spaceship ...
All abilities and maximum rank

Adds all abilities and gives them maximum rank. How to run: unpack it into the game directory.
Better visible resources

Makes materials/resources more visible with bright colors. fiber; drilling rig; memory substrate; metabolic agent; sealant; toxin; isotope refrigerant; adhesive; hallucinogen; decorative items; structural; pigment; cosme ...
More money from suppliers

Before using any mods, I recommend backing up your save files. The seller should now have another 5,000 credits. You can repeat the command as many times as you like. How to run: in the game, open the console and type bat addmoney5k (or other va ...
Increasing the carrying capacity of ships

Doubles the carrying capacity of all cargo modules of the ship. How to run: add to starfieldcustom.ini: [General] sTestFile1=cargo2x.esp [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal=
Better visible values

Make valuable items more visible so you don't lose sight of them (as much). Available in different colors. So far only credit sticks and digipics. How to run: unpack to this path Documents/My Games/Starfield/Data; add to StarfieldCustom.ini ...
Fast travel when congested

This mod allows you to travel fast even if you are overloaded. Available in temporary or permanent version. How to run: unpack into Starfield catalog; In the game, open the console and type bat fasttravelTEMP.
Increase in prices for contraband

Raises the price of smuggling to make it worthwhile. How to run: unpack into the Data folder; add to StarfieldCustom.ini: [General]sTestFile1=IncreasedContrabandPrices.esp
Increased mining distance in space

Increases the standard distance at which loot can be picked up in space. How to run: unpack this path Documents/My Games/Starfield; add to StarfieldCustom.ini: [General] sStartingConsoleCommand = bat ISLD3
Increased selection distance

Increases the default distance to objects selected by the scanner (3x, 5x, 10x). How to run: unpack this path Documents/My Games/Starfield; add to StarfieldCustom.ini: [General] sStartingConsoleCommand = bat IHR3