Show more attractions

Increases the distance at which the scanner marks points of interest. This mod can disable achievements. How to run: unpack Documents/My Games/Starfield; add to StarfieldCustom.ini: [General] sStartingConsoleCommand = bat SMPOI ...
Lower vessel registration fee

This command reduces the registration price to 1% of the ship's cost. How to run: add the following to the StarfieldCustom.ini file (USERPROFILE/Documents/My Games/Starfield): sStartingConsoleCommand=bat LowerRegistrationFee bat LowerRegistr ...
Time dilation

Slow down time during intense battles and speed up the game to explore the galaxy faster. F2 - time slowdown to 0.45; F3 - return to default time scale; F4 - increase time x2 and speed to speed up running. How to launch: install th ...
Double experience

Doubles your experience earnings, helping your character grow and develop to new heights.
Infinite ship storage

This mod changes the cabins of all ships to 500,000 storage units, eliminating the heavy and ugly cargo bays. How to run: unpack into the Data folder; in the StarfieldCustom.ini file write sTestFile1=ShipStorage.esp.
Unlimited captain's locker

Removed the 40 weight limit for various captain's lockers. How to run: install it in the Data directory as usual and set up StarfieldCustom.ini It should look something like this, depending on whether you have other things or not [General] ...
Bright flashlight

Makes the flashlight brighter. How to run: unpack to this path Documents/My Games/Starfield/; add to StarfieldCustom.ini: bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal=
Improved stealth

Reworked some aspects of stealth gameplay and NPC detection. reduced NPC vision cone detection radius; Reduced overall detection of NPCs by player sound; Reduced the sound made by players when they are out of line of sight; Reduced the so ...
Deadly difficulty - more damage

Lethal Difficulty increases damage dealt to the player and enemies on Hard and Very Hard difficulties. This results in faster, deadlier combat that promotes smart positioning and requires cover. How to run: unpack this path Documents/My Games/ ...
Non-interactive garbage

Useless, low-value and miscellaneous items can no longer be looted. You can still drop, sell, and move items like physical objects; you simply won't be able to add them to your inventory. This means that when you approach a pile of items, such as on ...
No fall damage

Eliminates fall damage. This mod can disable achievements. How to run: unpack this path Documents/My Games/Starfield; add the line to StarfieldCustom.ini: [General] sStartingConsoleCommand = bat NFD
More own ships

Increases the maximum number of ships you can own (5x, 10x, 25x, 50x). This mod can disable achievements. How to run: unpack this path Documents/My Games/Starfield; add lines to StarfieldCustom.ini: [General] sStartingConsoleCommand = ...
Increased scanning distance

Increases the distance at which objects can be scanned. It also increases the scanner's social interaction distance (diplomacy, intimidation and other perks). This mod can disable achievements. How to run: unpack this path Documents/My Games/S ...
Realistic damage multipliers

Equalizes player and enemy damage multipliers at all difficulty levels. A higher difficulty will cause everyone to deal more damage. For example, on Very Hard difficulty the player will now deal 2x damage instead of 0.5x, and NPCs will continue to d ...
Instant Scan

Reduces the number of scans required to explore flora and fauna to 1. This mod can disable achievements.