Energy sword from the game Halo

Crafted in industrial workbenches and has legendary properties.
Improved Strike Force Helmet

Reworks shock squad helmets.
Pirate Commando Costume

Adds a separate space suit to the game, the theme of which is a bit reminiscent of the Crimson Fleet. Currently for women only. The body size should be set to 0 and exactly centered. Type help commando into the console window to get item IDs, then ...
Metal Deepseeker

Retextured the Deepseeker suit to give it a metallic sheen. Includes 3 options. Gold plated, metallic and regular metallic.
Space Cowboy Armor Set

20 Settler Adventurer Hat options with different styles and colors of material, band and metal details. 1 new space suit in a cowboy theme, with a helmet and a backpack; 11 different trench coats, making up 22 different outfits, which can be ch ...
Liara's suit

Liara's costume from Mass Effect 3 as a separate spacesuit. A custom helmet is included. How to run: add LiaraSpacesuit.esm to plugins.txt; enter help Liara in the console; find the corresponding ID (string must start with ARMO) enter pla ...
Armor for Vasco

This mod adds armor for the Vasco robot. Can be made on an industrial workbench.
Energy machine gun

There is no weapon in the game - the energy machine gun. That's why the author created it. It has custom ammo, custom model, custom projectile. It is an independent weapon, not a replacement. Buy it from UC surplus, craft custom ammo at the industri ...
A set of clothes like Sarah's

Adds 17 new outfits based on Sarah's leather jacket with male and female models. These clothes are entered into the Jamison Merchentile and Outlander tier lists using a script. You can also type help SarahsChest into the console to get the ID of the ...
Camouflage suit

Thematic retexture in camouflage style for UC Urbanwar Spacesuit or standard UC Marine Spacesuits. Features desert digital tiger camo, dust, dirt and additional decals.
Weapon "Fat Man"

2 new types of weapons have been added to the game; one weapon will shoot straight, the other in an arc; massive explosions; custom weapon model; 2 new types of ammunition; 2 custom projectiles; everything can be manufactured in the In ...
Born Star armor with scarf

Replaces the Venator/Hunter armor. The mod also retextures Delgado's scarf. How to run: unpack into the Data folder.
Cortana's costume and armor

Adds Cortana's costume and armor to the game. Works autonomously.
New masks

This mod adds 8 new masks to the game for men and women. 6 of them are available in 6 different colors. Can be purchased from Colman in Neon (Trading Authority store). If masks do not appear: exit the game; disable the mod; log back in, sav ...
Commando armor

Replaces constellation space suits with clone commandos from the Star Wars series.