Neocity pants with round booty

Neocity uniform has been thoroughly reworked, no more flat butts. How to run: unpack to this path Documents/My Games/Starfield/; add to StarfieldCustom.ini: [Archive]bInvalidateOlderFiles=1sResourceDataDirsFinal=
Top with necklace

No new textures. The green texture is taken from another mod. Will work with any default placeholders or textures. How to run: unpack to this path Documents/My Games/Starfield/; add to StarfieldCustom.ini: [Archive]bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 ...
Sexier fisherman outfit

You need to set the weight to zero. Only works with skin tone 4. There are no new textures, default settings or substitutes will be used.
Sexier operator outfit

Supports zero weight. Works only with skin tone 4, no new textures, default or replacement ones will be used.
Mantis Body Suit

Reworked the women's Mantis space suit to make it more attractive. How to run: unpack this path Documents/My Games/Starfield.
Stealth suit with great butt

Changed the mesh and texture of the stealth suit. More feminine, shoe size reduced, overall body shape not too exaggerated.
Sexy neon dancer

Some minor tweaking to the neon dancer's outfit, as well as some minor UV detailing to make better use of the texture. You now have a reason to visit the Astral Living Room other than quests. The dance animation is still ridiculous. How to run: ...
Black tight-fitting spacesuit

A black leather close-fitting spacesuit that replaces the Mark-1 spacesuit. Works on women and men. Console commands to get: player.additem 0001754F (Mark 1 Helmet); player.additem 0001754D (Mark 1 Spacesuit); player.additem 0001754E (Mark 1 ...
Miranda Lawson costume

Adds Miranda Lawson's outfit from the game Mass Effect. Replaces sk1/2nd (skin tone). How to run: unpack to this path Documents/My Games/Starfield/.
Costume in the style of the game Doom

A simple retexture of the Deepseeker spacesuit and helmet. How to run: unpack this path Data/texture.
White Waruun Suit

White coloring for the Varuun spacesuit.
White Constellation Jumpsuit

This mod offers a white version of the leather jumpsuit with Constellation patches and stripes, as well as white versions of the engineering equipment and Elbow Grease Gear clothing items. It replaces the textures of the gray versions of these items ...
Vault-Tec suit

Retexture of the Mark 1 suit. Now it will proudly display the colors of Vault-Tec Industries.
White leggings with jacket

Replaces nightwear with NeoCity leggings and Sarah's jacket. All textures have been redrawn, normal maps have been updated. When installing the mod, the texture of Sarah's jacket is replaced. How to run: place the meches folder in D:/Games/Star ...
Hello Kitty wristwatch

Replaces your dusty old Chronomark with this shiny new Hello Kitty wristwatch. How to run: unpack to this path Documents/MyGames/Starfield/Data; add to StarfieldCustom.ini: [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal=