Andrey in black and white outfit

Black and white outfit for Andrea. How to run: unpack to this path Documents/My Games/Starfield/Data.
Jill Valentine's outfit

Jill Valentine's outfit from the game Resident Evil. Codes: player.additem 0x0001D1DF; player.additem 003329BC. How to launch: unpack to this path C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/Starfield.
John Wick costume

Replaces the texture of the “old world” costume, which can be obtained by completing a certain chain of quests. Can also be used to get player.additem 0021BBF1. How to run: unpack this path My Games/Starfield/; add to StarfieldCustom.ini: ...
Transparent spacesuit

May not protect you from void cosmic radiation. How to run: unpack to this path /Documents/My Games/Starfield/Data.
N7 armor and clothing from the game Mass Effect

Adds various N7 clothes using retextures. The following items are currently being retextured: (Item ID if you want to add it via player.additem in the console): Nova Galactic Cap (00185A6B); Brown Elbow Grease Gear (001466EF); Cydonia Space ...
Vault Suit

This mod adds a costume from the game Fallout, including a variant with a coat. How to run: unpack to this path Documents/My Games/Starfield/Data.
All-black Deepseeker suit

Deepseeker's suit, helmet and backpack become completely black.
Changing Mantis Suit

Replaces the ugly Mantis costume with a mixture of other costumes. How to run: unpack to this path Documents/My Games/Starfield/Data.
Ecliptic armor retexture

Simply changes the texture of the Ecliptic mercenary armor to look like the mercenary armor from the Mass Effect game. How to run: unpack to this path Documents/My Games/Starfield/.
Born Star in white gold

Replaces the ugly Mantis costume with a mix of Starborn's helmet and a recolored version of Masako's costume How to run: unpack to this path Documents/My Games/Starfield/Data.
Galaxy underwear

A new, stylized set of underwear to match the original body. How to run: unpack to this path Documents/My Games/Starfield/Data.
Dead Space - Zach Hammond Uniform

Replaces the UC uniform with Zack Hammond's uniform from Dead Space.
White Strike Suit

Changes the suit, helmet and backpack of the strike force to white.
Varuun's all-black suit

Replaces Varuun's space suit, helmet and backpack with all black ones.
Repainting the navigator's spacesuit in Halo style

Master Chief inspired the repaint of the navigator's suit. How to run: unpack to this path Documents/My Games/Starfield/Data.