Tyson tattoo

Replaces tattoo #12: skull. How to run: unpack this path documents/my games/starfield.
Realistic eyes in 4K

4k ultra-realistic high resolution eye textures, edited and hand-tuned for maximum rendering quality. How to run: unpack to this path Documents/My Games/Starfield/.
Getting all resources

Adds all resources. How to run: open a console command by pressing the ~ key and simply enter bat resources.
Hairy men

Adds hair to all male body textures. How to run: unpack this path Documents/My Games/Starfield.
Removing black loading screen

Removes or replaces the black loading screen for more exciting gravity jumping and transitions. How to run: unpack to this path /Documents/My Games/Starfield/Data.
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Removing subtitle background

Removes background from subtitles. How to run: unpack to this path steamapps/common/Starfield/Data.
Obtaining all abilities and power

Allows you to get all the features in the game using one console command. How to run: unpack it into the main game folder and type bat Powers in the console.
Retrieving all logs

This bat file allows you to place all the skill logs at your feet. You can take them all at once without running around the galaxy looking for each one individually. The original copies remain in place. Therefore, you will most likely receive a seco ...
Removing a vignette from the scanner

Removes the background vignetting filter from the scanner.
Dialogue camera no longer zooms in

An easy way to change the zoom of the dialogue camera. How to run: unpack to this path Documents/my games/Starfield.
Beautiful eyes

This mod offers new textures for the character's eyes. This mod fixes the "blue sclera opacity" effect that occurs on original eyes. How to run: unpack to this path /Documents/My Games/Starfield. ...
All weapons, spacesuits and perks

Here is an alternative to cheats, with which you can access everything in the game with one simple command. How to activate the cheat: Launch the game; Press the “~” key to call the console; Enter the command bat kekfield to get all weapons ...
Realistic flashlight

The line between illuminated and dark surfaces will be smoother.
Skip intro videos

instant menu loading (120 frames per second); lack of warning about epilepsy and seizures; video without Bethesda logo; no Bethesda logo; no message of the day; no Starfield logo (optional).
Viewing Angle Changes

A simple modification that allows you to change the field of view from first and third person. How to run: unpack to this path Documents/MyGames/Starfield.