System Shock Remake
A remake of the legendary role-playing shooter System Shock. The game takes place in the year 2072, where all resources on Earth have been practically depleted. One... Read more
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an increase in the number of sparks flying when bullets hit; the number of sparks from electrical discharges/and explosions during the destruction of cameras and cyborgs has been increased; increased duration of sparks by 0.5%; increased the ...
Dark level of maintenance

This mod turns off the ambient lighting at maintenance level, making it very dark - plus it can become pitch black if the ceiling lights break. How to run: unpack to this path System Shock Remake/SystemShock/Content/Paks.
Removing red tint

Removes the red background tint from world objects. How to run: unpack to this path System Shock Remake/SystemShock/Content/Paks.