Files for The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim / Cheat Mods

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Secret passage to rescue Thorald

Secret passage to rescue Thorald
Author: Paperopiero
Size: 63.46 kB
Uploaded by: addvans
Date: September 18, 2019
Downloads: 369
Comments: 0
Download The mod adds a secret passage to the Northern Watch Fortress - it leads directly to Thorald, thanks to the passage the quest can be completed easily without the chance of failure.

Infinite Enchanted Charges

Infinite Enchanted Charges
Author: Pocoloon-Bulljump
Size: 2.92 kB
Uploaded by: addvans
Date: June 7, 2019
Downloads: 746
Comments: 0
Download This mod makes the magic charge on weapons endless - now they don't need to be charged.