I think that The Sims 4 in comparison with The Sims 3 is a step back (it’s not easy to say whether it’s big or not) and a little to the side. The world has become limited with loading locations, the number of possibilities has decreased (what’s up, now male Sims only go to the toilet while sitting), which negatively affects the integrity of the world. Of course, in some aspects the game has become better developed in comparison with the previous part (the mood system has become more detailed, for example). A step aside is the transition of graphics to cartoonishness. The greed of publishers, manifested in the quantity and price of additional content, has no limits. Of course, for a comfortable game you won’t need all the additional content, but the fact that for a game with all the additions (without discounts) you need to put about 45,000 rubles on the table, which darkens the situation. On top of that, this implies the uselessness of a lot of paid content (there may be a situation where good content is mixed with bad). Another important problem for me is the inability to disable certain content in add-ons, for example supernatural creatures containing them (this is a problem not only in The Sims 4, but also in The Sims 3, at least. I have not played the other parts). Someone may object: “You can just turn off add-ons with content that you don’t like or even not buy it at all!” To which I will answer: I like the individual components of such add-ons, but I can’t stand supernatural creatures in my world, I want to roleplay +- reality with different gaming conventions.