The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Complete Edition — the most complete edition The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, including all expansions, add-ons The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine... Read more
Magical ultra graphics

Magical Graphics Settings - Beyond Ultra. This is a simple mod that adds a level of graphical fidelity higher than ultra to all graphics settings in the options. The author took the time to review all affected parameter settings plus ~50 hours of in- ...
Improved lighting

Silver is for Monsters. More pronounced colors and better shadows/lighting. For the mod to work you will need ReShade 4.8.2 .
Realistic graphics

HD Realism Experience. This change makes the world of the Witcher more realistic. Installation: 1. Download and install the latest version of the Reshade framework (click Direct3D 10+). Download all effects as requested during installation. 2. D ...
New realism

NEW REALISM reshade. This mod changes the standard graphics in the game making it more realistic and natural. Installation: 1. Download and install the latest version of Reshade (click "Direct3D 10+"). Download all effects as requested during inst ...
Atmosphere from the game The Witcher 2

WITCHER 2 OVERHAUL. This mod changes the overall atmosphere of The Witcher 3, giving it a unique style of the second part of the series. In this mod you will see: new beautiful backgrounds in the main menu, new weather, improved lighting, redesigned ...
Constant darkness

Perpetual Brume. For those who love the original lighting of The Witcher 3, but would like to add a bit of a dark, cinematic feel to the game. This mod slightly changes the contrast and saturation of the colors to make them more harmonious and natura ...
Photorealistic graphics

Erik's Photorealistic Natural Immersive Reshade (Erik's PNI). Photorealistic immersive color change template. The preset is based on 4 different films. Green nature, as in the photographs, no yellow-orange flora - natural skin color, not too saturate ...
Super turbo lighting mod

Super Turbo lighting Mod. This mod introduces lighting changes for all zones. Imitates the original art direction before moving to a later version (mostly 2014 build), that's the only purpose of this mod, it doesn't add or remove anything, it's not s ...
Solnce Toussaint reshade

Sun of Toussaint - ReShade. This mod adds brightness and beauty to any scene, be it Toussaint, Velen or Vizima. Ideal for any cinematic shots. Requires a powerful PC and high FPS.
Natural fantasy

Natural Fantasy. This mod improves on the stock graphics by tweaking a few colors and adding a bit of blur to give the game a dreamlike feel. To work you will need Reshade . To install, unpack the contents of the archive to this path: The Witcher 3 ...
Improved auto exposure

witcher 3 balanced autoexposure. This mod creates a balance for automatic exposure. It creates less darkness and improves the balance of brightness, relief and texture. Installation: Copy the contents of the zip file to your witcher 3 wild hunt i ...
Improved graphics

Image Quality booster. This mod improves the quality of the game world without changing the appearance of the game. I ...
Improved lighting for Novigrad

Heresy Lighting Mod - A Novigrad Lighting Project (WIP). A lighting mod designed exclusively for Novigrad, aimed at highlighting the vistas and terrain with its fairy-tale atmosphere. The author wanted Novigrad to feel like a corrupt medieval town, s ...
Improved graphics

Amaru Reshade. The preset is made using PLM Ultimate 4.0, but works with a large number of lighting mods. These are highly stylized graphics with a softer fantasy look.
Advanced graphics settings

Enhanced Graphics Settings. This mod improves the visuals of the game by adding a new preset extreme mode in the graphics settings. The goal was to achieve a good balance between performance and appearance. For this reason, only those graphical set ...