The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Complete Edition — the most complete edition The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, including all expansions, add-ons The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine... Read more
No time to bargain

Original title: No Time For Haggling - Next Gen. Game edition: Next Gen. Geralt is a busy Witcher with an important task. This mod allows Geralt to successfully negotiate a price that he considers a fair price for a contract (within a limit).
Cheat alchemy and crafting

Original title: Cheating Alchemy And Crafting - Next-Gen compatible. Game edition: Next-Gen. This is a small cheat mod that allows you to continue crafting or alchemy even if you don't have enough ingredients or money (this will waste any remaining ...
Less clutter

Original title: Less Junk. This mod removes all normal quality junk from containers and monster drops. Higher quality junk is not affected, as are skins for drops from monsters. How to run: Unpack the downloaded archive into the game directory ...
Restoring cut books and documents

Original title: Witcher Lore Collection - Next-Gen. Game edition: Next-Gen. Recovers deleted books and documents hidden in game files. Restores the Glossary section. Allows you to obtain complete bestiaries for every monster in the game. There ...
Improved horse management

Original title: Improved Horse Controls. Game edition: Next-Gen. This mod completely changes the way you control your horse to achieve truly exceptional horse handling. the horse no longer refuses to cross knee-deep water; control the direct ...
Horses don't follow the road

Original title: No Road Following. Game edition: Next-Gen This mod will prevent horses from automatically following the road. It is not compatible (by default) with other mods that modify the same file, unless you use Script Merger to merge the chan ...
Real time

Original title: Real-Life Time Flow for Next-Gen. Game edition: Next-Gen. 1 minute in the game takes 1 minute in real life, so a 24 hour cycle in the game takes 24 hours in real life. A time immersion mod for those who would like to play The Witcher ...
Disable boat damage

Original title: Disable Boat Damage for Next-Gen. Game edition: Next-Gen. This mod disables boat damage for Next-Gen. How to launch: Unzip and copy the modDisableBoatDMG folder to your Witcher 3 mods folder.
Automatic wins in Gwent

Original title: Automatically Win Gwent Matches for Next-Gen. Game edition: Next-Gen. This mod will allow you to automatically win Gwent games for Next-Gen. How to launch: Unzip and copy the modGwentWin folder to your Witcher 3 mods folder.
All skills work

Original title: Let all skills work for Next-Gen. Game edition: Next-Gen The author made all the skills work. The main problems were fixed. Fixed an issue where Mutagen could not be used. How to launch: Unzip and copy the modLetallskillskills ...
Jumping in shallow water

Original title: Enable Jumping in Shallow Water for Next-Gen. Game edition: Next-Gen Includes shallow water jumping for Next-Gen (should work in previous versions as well). How to launch: Unzip and copy the modEnableJumpInWater folder to The W ...
Disabling fall damage

Original title: Disable Fall Damage for Next-Gen. Game edition: Next-Gen Disables fall damage for Next-Gen update (should work in previous versions as well). How to launch: Extract and copy the modDisableFallDMG folder to The Witcher 3 mods fo ...
Turning your head behind the camera

Face Them - ReUpload (Next-Gen). Game version: Next-Gen A small tweak that makes Geralt track the camera's position. How to run: File -> mod folder or activate using any mod manager
Obedient horse

Obedient Steed. Game version: The Witcher 3 Next-Gen v4.00 When you tell your horse to run, he will run, no exceptions. Potholes, bridges, walls, fences, vegetation, rocks, water or even busy city centers, it doesn't matter. Roaches (or any horse) wi ...
Price reduction (NextGen)

Deflation - Crown is worth more - NextGen. Reduces the cost of non-quest goods and services by 75% to make quest rewards and costs truly worth your time. When a sword dropped into the waters of Skellige costs 1,000 crowns, who cares about squeezing o ...