The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Complete Edition — the most complete edition The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, including all expansions, add-ons The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine... Read more
Immersive Camera (Next-Gen)

Immersive Cam for Next-Gen Upgrade. Edition: Next-Gen Trying to get the immersive camera to work with all the features of the new Witcher 3 update. The Next-Gen update also edits your input settings and removes any mod bindings from your /Documents/t ...
Decent Gwent

Worthwhile Gwent - Reforged is a complete remake and update of my Worthwhile Gwent mod. It can be easily installed via W3MM or manually by unpacking the archive and moving the Mods and bin folders to the Witcher 3 directory. Be sure to load into the ...
Increase in stamina per level

Stamina Growth per Level up. Provides a small stamina buffer for the sign's second cast depending on the player's level (+2 stamina with each level higher). For example, level 50 effectively doubles your stamina, allowing you to immediately use the s ...
Alternate characters unlocked

Alternative Signs Unlocked. You don't have to use up valuable skill slots to use alternate signs. Please note that only the base rank of each alternate sign is unlocked by default. For example, you will be able to use Firestream Rank 1/3 without inve ...
Critical Slow Combat

Critical Slow Motion Combat REDUX. This mod will add a cool slowdown effect only during combat on critical hits, dismemberment, killing, counterattack, dodge, arrow deflection, Geralt's death, riding, Aard sign and Igni sign. All slow motion odds an ...
Sprint with right trigger

Sprinting with Right Trigger. Geralt now runs with the right trigger, signals by pressing the left stick, and calls the horse by pressing the right stick twice. Installation at this path C:/Users/YOURNAME/Documents/The Witcher3/input.settings.
The Witcher Alterverse

The Witcher Alterverse. This mod contains new quest, dungeon, spell and gameplay. For the mod to work you will need Shades Of Iron . New quests: 1. Wild garden. You can try this quest after you travel to Velen for the first time and help the old ...
First person mod

Gervant First Person. This mod will allow you to play in first person mode. You can still use your mouse and keyboard. Cutscenes from 3rd person. Default first person movement changed: - The player character rotates with the camera (if no action ...
Don't eat underwater

Don't Eat Underwater. This mod makes you unable to consume food or potions while you are underwater. Adds realism to the overall atmosphere. Made on version 1.32 GOTY (other versions have not been tested).
Easy sprint

Easy Sprint. This mod completely removes the stamina cost of sprinting. If you want to install manually, you need to place the folder in your mods folder (The Witcher 3/Mods) and then run Script Merger. It only changes the code where it asks if the p ...
Gwent extended

Gwent Extended. Technically this mods page contains 2 mods, but I needed to name them something. This is Gwent Extended, a huge reworking of the original Gwent! About the Gwent Alternate Art system This version of the mod does not affect balance, ...
Backstab like in Dark Souls

Dark Souls Style Execution. Adds a Dark Souls-style backstab and counterattack. Features: 1. Geralt can now backstab with one hit when he attacks behind an enemy's back (range 110 degrees, 100%). From Darksouls 3 sfx. 2. Counterattacking and then ...
Mastered runes and symbols

Mastered Runes and Glyphs. Increased characteristics and major changes to runes and glyphs. I didn't add poison resistance due to the oriole potion which adds a healing buff and missed out on item durability.
Key chains for applying oil

Oil Application Keybinds. Apply blade oil to your swords by pressing a button on your keyboard instead of opening your inventory to do so. Be sure to set your key bindings according to the installation instructions. If there are keybinding conflicts, ...
Weakness effect

Immersive vitality effect. When your health drops below 40%, Geralt begins to feel dizzy and his vision becomes blurry.