The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Complete Edition — the most complete edition The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, including all expansions, add-ons The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine... Read more
First-person view

FIRST PERSON CAMERA REWORKED. A new mod that allows you to play The Witcher 3 from a first-person view. Installation instructions: 1. Unzip the mod archive to the root of the game folder. 2. Add to the file C:/Users/your username/Documents/The Wit ...
Automatic dialog selection

Automatic dialog picker. This mod automatically selects the dialogue option that makes the most sense, but still allows you to make choices in important situations. This allows for uninterrupted conversations where user input is not required. It also ...
Skip dialogue

Skip Dialogs. Hold Shift/Triangle to skip dialogue very quickly. Installation: 1. Unpack the mods into the game directory 2. Add these lines to the top of /Documents/The Witcher 3/input.settings
Camera shake in combat

E3 Combat Cam Shake. A custom mod that makes your camera shake in combat. With this mod you can customize both the strength of the effect and what specific cases you want the shake to occur on: successful/blocked attacks, enemy/player attacks, and di ...
Collecting loot in battle

Loot In Combat. A simple mod that allows you to collect loot in battle. Save time and get more profit in some missions!
Power counterattack without timing

Force Counterattack. Counterattack without precise timing! I did this for myself because I'm too slow of a thinker to time it well and spam the parry button. While Geralt is in parry mode, any incoming attack that can be counterattacked will be defle ...
Selecting multiple mutations

Select multiple mutations. With this mod you can select more than one mutation. This mod requires the Blood and Wine expansion with patch 1.31 (updated). Features: - Added the ability to select more than one mutation, now you can select all muta ...
New upgrade system

The Enhancement System. Redefines all Relic Blades from scratch to be useful / gives you access to NPC weapons only / allows you to upgrade all Relic Blades, Kaer Morhen DLC and Armor, DLC and Witcher Crossbows, Dream Cobra and Vesemir / adds dozens ...
Geralt snowboarder

Geralt VGX Snowboarder. Get ready for a whole new snowboarding experience in The Witcher 3. This DLC mod features a snowboard altar overlooking the bay of Kaer Trolde (Skellig) where you can get some pretty cool items! Plus, it's a great place for av ...
Gwent revolution

Gwent Revolution. This is a major overhaul of many aspects of the gwent system. From new cards, abilities, arts, to quest rewards, AI decks and game bets. The mod is currently under development and will be updated. Features: - Complete rework of e ...
Fast travel from anywhere

Fast Travel from Anywhere. You no longer need to be near the pointer to move quickly. This mod allows you to quickly get to the sign no matter where you are. This will work if you're in the middle of the wilderness and don't want to drive to a sign a ...
Improved Swords

Improved Witcher Swords. This mod changes all sword bonuses to either improve them significantly or change them slightly. All levels have been redesigned to be consistent. Changes have been made to both the regular game and the new game plus. To inst ...