The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Complete Edition — the most complete edition The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, including all expansions, add-ons The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine... Read more
Shadow armor for the wolf school

This mod replaces the standard armor of one of the schools (bear, cat, griffin, wolf) with shadow armor.
Book Inspired Pack

Leather Jacket; gloves with silver spikes (2 options); old worn pants; boots with dagger; fully custom Steel Sword (Albion Regent); Fully custom made Silver Sword (Albion Maximilian). How to run: unpack this path /Steam/steamapps/c ...
Kaer Morhen armor upgrades

Added upgrade charts for Kaer Morhen (starting armor) that correspond to each level of other Witcher armor.
Hunting armor

Original title: Armor of the Hunt (NextGen). Game edition: NextGen. The mod replaces the armor of Viper (HoS), Caparison of Lament (HoS), Ofieri Blinders (HoS), Ofieri Saddleblebags (HoS) and Camerlengo Trophy (BaW). The mod is designed as the final ...
Reinforced sets of Nilfgaardian horses

Devil Saddle Fear Level fix and Nilfgaardian Horse Sets BOOST. Reinforced Nilfgaardian horse sets and devil saddle, giving the Nilfgaardian set (bag not included) relic quality.
White retexture of Ursin armor

Polar Bear Grandmaster Ursine. The original Polar Bear mod from dragonbird did not support the grandmaster set, so I decided to make it myself. This is my first mod ever created, so any issues you encounter will likely not be fixed by me.
Manticore armor has been reworked

Manticore Armor remodeled. This mod reworks the Manticore's armor, bringing it back to the look from The Witcher 1. - Swap the sleeves of the manticore armor with the sleeves of the main shirt. - Shrunk the pants and boots a little. Known Issues: S ...
Witcher armor from season 2 Netflix

Netflix Season 2 Witcher armor. This armor mod replaces the starting armor with "snake armor" and is a replacement and not a DLC. Inspired by the Netflix Season 2 armor, this set replaces every item, armor, gloves, pants and boots. This mod was made ...
Pure Manticore Mail

Clean Chainmail for Legendary Manticore Armor. This mod cleans up the chainmail of the legendary Manticore armor by editing the chest texture. Installation: 1. Download the file; 2. Extract ModLegendaryManticoreClean to your game folder /The Witc ...
Bear School - Armor Project

Bear School - Armor Project. The purpose of this mod is to change the armor and parts of the Bear School crossbow, belts, bracelets, chain mail and leggings to gold or silver. The mod does not make any fundamental changes. Maintains original style. ...
Henry Cavill's armor

Henry Cavill Netflix Armor. Armor from season 1 of The Witcher series from Netflix. Replaces Kaer Morhen's starting armor. Installation: 1 Download manually 2 Unpack the file 3 Place mod_NetflixArmor in your mods folder. 4 Install the necessary m ...
Manticore armor retexture

Gwent inspired Manticore Armor. Retexture of the basic manticore armor and scabbard. I've only changed the base armor and scabbard and won't be touching the NG+ version.
Light armor without hood

Manticore Light and Feline Hoodless Armor Mod. This mod removes the hood from the Feline Grandmaster armor and changes the Manticore's armor to light instead of medium. This is achieved by simply editing the XML.
Improved leather effect

Improved leather effect. The author has changed the reflective effect on all ordinary gloves, also changed two pairs of ordinary boots, and improved the effect on some witcher equipment.
Thinner griffin armor

Slimmer Griffin Armor. Moderately reduces the Griffin's chestplate and also makes additional changes. The idea is to make it more suitable for a witcher, while maintaining similarities to historically accurate plate armor.