The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Complete Edition — the most complete edition The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, including all expansions, add-ons The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine... Read more
New battle music

Witcher 3 Combat Music. Changes the battle music from exploration (drowned/animals/guards) to the ones I like from the game. You can now listen to human steel, sword dance and other sounds outside the swamp.
Scars on Yennefer's face

Scars on Yennefer face. This mod will add subtle scars to Yennefer's face, inspired by Geralt and Ciri. To install: drag modscarsonyennefe r into the mods folder of the witcher 3 directory.
Justice League Reshade

Zack Snyders Justice League Reshade Preset For The Witcher 3. Hello, I would like to introduce you to my next Reshade preset. This Reshade is designed for Benis No Fog FX IL, but can also be used for classic Immersive Lightning or Immersive Lightning ...
Graphic overhaul

BlitzFX. A graphical overhaul that integrates modern rendering technologies into The Witcher 3. Features: - Soft pin shadows - Screen space contact and distant shadows - HDR bloom and motion blur - Improved water rendering - Improved sun renderin ...
The Witcher Alterverse

The Witcher Alterverse. This mod contains new quest, dungeon, spell and gameplay. For the mod to work you will need Shades Of Iron . New quests: 1. Wild garden. You can try this quest after you travel to Velen for the first time and help the old ...
Map improvement

Upscaled UI - Map. All map textures visible on the minimap and in the map menu have been enlarged. Installation: 1 Select one of the upscaled map versions (normal or 60fps) + upscaled map (texture cache). 2 Unzip and drag everything into the main ...
Modern rendering

Blitz FX. A graphical overhaul that integrates modern rendering technologies into The Witcher 3. Now compatible with ReShade. Features: - Soft contact shadows. - Screen space contact shadows. - HDR bloom and motion blur. - Improved water rendering ...
No candle brightness effect

No Candle Flare Effect. Removes the brightness effect from candles around Toussaint (Blood and Wine DLC). Update: Added an alternate version that retains the flash effect, but with reduced intensity and area of effect. To install, unpack the downlo ...
Pure Manticore Mail

Clean Chainmail for Legendary Manticore Armor. This mod cleans up the chainmail of the legendary Manticore armor by editing the chest texture. Installation: 1. Download the file; 2. Extract ModLegendaryManticoreClean to your game folder /The Witc ...
Yennefer's wardrobe - redesigned

Yennefer's lore friendly wardrobe - reworked -. Over 20 Yennefer clothing items to choose from, mix and match to give her the look you think suits her best. Installation: 1. Select the mod(s) you want (only use one Torso and one Legs mod at a tim ...
Thin candle flame

Subtle Candle Flare. Replaces the glare effect from the candles around Toussaint (Blood and Wine DLC) with a custom HD effect. Also reduces the area covered by the glare effect, making it less intrusive. To install, unpack the archive into the mods f ...
Fantasy Gwent - a completely new way to play

Fantasy Gwent - A Whole New Way of Playing. A creative conceptual rework that completely reimagines Gwent and completely separates it from the world of The Witcher. SUMMARY I skipped Gwent entirely during my first playthrough because I wasn't int ...
Bright lighting

Bright and Vibrant Reshade for Immersive Lighting. An absolutely gorgeous lighting mod, but my eyes can't handle the deep shadows, dull colors, and darker atmosphere. I know a lot of people prefer this look, but I need bright, vibrant visuals for my ...
Removing all underwear

No More Underwear. This is a simple mod that does one simple thing: it removes all the underwear from the game to give the player a slightly more colorful experience. Yes, I know there are other similar underwear removal mods. However, this mod has ...
First person mod

Gervant First Person. This mod will allow you to play in first person mode. You can still use your mouse and keyboard. Cutscenes from 3rd person. Default first person movement changed: - The player character rotates with the camera (if no action ...