The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Complete Edition — the most complete edition The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, including all expansions, add-ons The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine... Read more
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Map Stuff. A map showing all the places.
Decent Gwent

Worthwhile Gwent - Reforged is a complete remake and update of my Worthwhile Gwent mod. It can be easily installed via W3MM or manually by unpacking the archive and moving the Mods and bin folders to the Witcher 3 directory. Be sure to load into the ...
Increase in stamina per level

Stamina Growth per Level up. Provides a small stamina buffer for the sign's second cast depending on the player's level (+2 stamina with each level higher). For example, level 50 effectively doubles your stamina, allowing you to immediately use the s ...
Active medallion

Active Medallion. Causes the medallion to react to monsters and magic. This mod also adds Witcher Sense. If enabled, it temporarily turns on Witcher Sense when near a monster or beast. There is also a minimalist preset that allows you to display visu ...
Alternate characters unlocked

Alternative Signs Unlocked. You don't have to use up valuable skill slots to use alternate signs. Please note that only the base rank of each alternate sign is unlocked by default. For example, you will be able to use Firestream Rank 1/3 without inve ...
Critical Slow Combat

Critical Slow Motion Combat REDUX. This mod will add a cool slowdown effect only during combat on critical hits, dismemberment, killing, counterattack, dodge, arrow deflection, Geralt's death, riding, Aard sign and Igni sign. All slow motion odds an ...
Exclusive remade weapons and armor

Exclusive Weapons and Armors Redone - Redone Series. This mod makes weapons and armor more interesting by adding new abilities, upgrade options, and saves them from being useless since you can always customize them again to your level, and it adds ne ...
Weapon Upgrade

Witcher Gear Redone - Redone Series. This mod makes weapons and armor more interesting by adding new abilities, upgrade options, and saves them from being useless since you can always customize them again to your level, and it adds new armor/weapons ...
Philippa - face retexture

Philippa - Face Retexture. My edit of Philippa's textures. - The textures are designed to stay true to her original appearance, but overall enhance her complexion and the smoothness of her skin. - Fixed reflection of lips - Fixed eyebrows.
Keira - retexture faces

Keira - Face Retexture. My edit of Kira's textures. - The textures are meant to stay true to her original look, but overall enhance her complexion and level of detail. - Fixed expression maps. (no ugly wrinkles anymore, but facial expressions are st ...
Ciri remake

Ciri redone. Changes the texture of Ciri's face, as well as the head mesh. All textures are in 4k. Just place the extracted file in the Mods folder, which is located in your game folder.
Retexture of Priscilla's face

Priscilla Face Retexture - by zzjay. My editing of Priscilla's textures. - The textures are meant to stay true to her original look, but overall enhance her complexion and level of detail. - Corrects Panda's appearance by reducing the amount of make ...
Immersive Lighting

Immersive Lighting. Complete lighting redesign. The work is prepared as a complete overhaul of the lighting in the main game and two DLCs. The goal of the project was to provide an enjoyable product, give a fantastic atmosphere during the day and a r ...
Retexture of Yennefer's face

Lore friendly Yennefer face texture. The modification changes the appearance of Yennefer's face. The mod makes it more lore friendly. To install, unpack the downloaded archive to this path /GOG/The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt/Mods.
Pretty Yen

Pretty Yen. I think Yennefer has become more beautiful. I created a high quality model by modifying it slightly, keeping it original, but still creating a one of a kind model. Installation - just drag and drop it into the mods folder.