Larian Studios had a working build of Baldur's Gate 4, but decided to shut down development

Baldur's Gate 3 fans will definitely be upset: it turns out that Larian Studios already had a working build of the fourth part before the developers abandoned production. As the head of the studio admitted, the authors simply did not want to mark time for several more years.

Sven Vincke told PC Gamer about this in an interview ahead of the first anniversary of Baldur's Gate 3. After finishing work on the third part, the studio immediately took up the sequel, and as a result, a playable build was ready. It was planned to make an add-on to the main game or even a fourth part from it, but then they decided to abandon the idea.

I mean, we probably would have had to redo it 10 times. And do we really want to do that for the next three years?
— Swen Vincke, CEO of Larian Studios

In addition, Larian Studios did not want to get stuck in one place for many years, working on only one franchise. Swen Vincke raised this issue at one of the meetings, and the developers decided to «move on».

…It turned very rapidly, and I don't think, as developers, we ever felt better since we took that decision. Honestly, you really cannot explain or express it, how liberated we are.
— Swen Vincke, CEO of Larian Studios

The developers announced their refusal to make a sequel to Baldur's Gate 3 back in March of this year. The studio is currently working on two unannounced games based on other universes, which should become «the best work in its entire history».

By the way, it recently became known that Larian Studios could make new games based on Fallout or Ultima.

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