Guide to Romances in Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader — All Romances with Companions

Developing relationships with characters in RPG games is an essential part of gameplay, one that no project can do without. This includes romances, which often become available with several of the main hero's companions. The recently released Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader is no exception. In this guide, we'll tell you who you can develop romantic relationships with in the game and how to achieve this.

In Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader, all squad members are very different and adhere to personal views on each issue that arises. Often, by developing communication and friendship with one, you will distance yourself from another. However, experienced players will quickly find loopholes, so with the right approach, the game allows you to romance several characters for a long time. Unfortunately, in the end, a choice will still have to be made.

The main thing to pay attention to in any case is the worldview system. There are three directions: schismatic, dogmatic, or heretic. The worldview is accessible in the heroes' menu, so you can easily compare yours with that of the character you like. Obviously, for quick development of love, the same worldview is required; otherwise, your chosen one simply won't understand you. Unfortunately, if you play for Chaos and, accordingly, adhere to a heretical worldview, building love will be practically impossible. This path is for loners.

The second point is that romantic lines appear in dialogs a bit differently, so they are easy to distinguish. However, don't relax too much. Not every hero will like the same approach. With some, flirting is appropriate, while with others, it's better to remain simply friendly, avoiding ambiguous hints and touches.

The third important component of happy relationships is personal quests. They must be completed as soon as possible.

Note: It should be mentioned that out of 10 assistants, romantic relationships can only be built with five.

Who You Can Romance in Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader

The five characters available for romantic relationships are divided by preferences. Some care about the hero's gender, while for others, it doesn't matter.

For Male Rogue Traders only:

  • Cassia Orsello.

For Female Rogue Traders only:

  • Heinrix van Kalox.

Regardless of gender:

  • Jay Heidari;
  • Irlait Laneviss;
  • Marajai Ezirraesh.

The list may not be too extensive, but thanks to the variety of characters, everyone will find a companion to their liking.

How to Build a Romantic Relationship with Cassia Orsello

Cassia will be your first companion, joining the Rogue Trader almost immediately after the story begins. In the first chapter, during the Secrets quest, solve the puzzle in the Navis Nobilite laboratory. Cassia is a navigator and officer. Without her, your ship cannot move through space. The girl is concerned about her unique appearance, so it's important for you to see her not just as a useful crew member, but as a person.

Meeting Cassia for the first time is quite simple. During the quest, convince the character to board your starship. The good news is that she will agree in any case. As soon as you have the opportunity to talk to the new squad member, show sensitivity and try to calm the girl. Due to professional mutations, Cassia is very self-conscious, so you need to support her morale and convince her not to be ashamed of her appearance.

The first correct response will be You are beautiful, no matter what. Further development will be intuitively understandable. Support Cassia's ideas and listen to her when making decisions. In the second act, when the opportunity arises, check her condition, and the responses that must be said are:

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Sorry, Cassia, but I'd like to know more about you personally, not your family.
  • Your third eye — do you always hide it?
  • You are beautiful, Cassia. Don't let anyone or anything convince you otherwise.
  • I would not dare to mock a lady's feelings, especially one who has captivated me since I first saw her.

In battle, Cassia is also very useful. Thanks to her officer abilities, she can buff allies and deal with groups of enemies at a distance.

How to Build a Romantic Relationship with Heinrix van Kalox

Heinrix is a nobleman from a distinguished family, making a romance with a female hero particularly interesting for him. The companion will join you in the first chapter after passing through the Electrodynamic Habitation and solving the puzzle with the First Galvanic Hymn. Heinrix is a dogmatist to the core, so you should choose responses that align with this worldview.

You can start developing a romance with him after you get the chance to talk to the companion alone. Choose the dialogue option: I know how to play regicide. Perhaps we could talk about the game from time to time.

You will have to go through a personal quest to progress in any case. When you find yourself in the mansion, don't miss the moment for a kiss. The initiative must come from the Trader. Later, stop Heinrix from leaving the room.

After meeting Aurora, do not miss several lines in the future dialogue with Heinrix:

  • Inspect the control panel damaged by Aurora.
  • Continue.
  • Continue.
  • Heinrix, look over here. Is this what you're looking for by any chance?

After this, a cutscene will start on the starship — Heinrix will want to discuss something:

  • Thank you. The generosity of the Inquisition is highly appreciated.
  • Talking to you confuses me no less, Master van Kalox.
  • You misunderstand me. It's not your status that irritates me, but you personally.

When you have the choice to give Heinrix the artifact or throw it away — the decision does not play a role. However, always choose responses related to tactility. The man does not mind physical touches. In battle, the companion uses psyker abilities.

How to Build a Romantic Relationship with Jay Heidari

One of the simplest characters in terms of relationship development. Jay's moral principles are questionable, so she does not shy away from overt flirting. Moreover, she is a smuggler, meaning she constantly balances between lawful and not-so-lawful behavior. Jay will join you in the second chapter. Complete the Persona Non Grata quest and agree to return the cargo.

Talk to the girl as soon as she appears on the starship's bridge. Overall, you won't have to try too hard:

  • Was there something specific you wanted to discuss?
  • Continue.
  • Truly a wonderful gift. I accept it with gratitude.
  • Continue.
  • That sounds quite simple. I'll help you.

When the opportunity arises, be sure to choose the response: Dear princess? Has some lucky fellow stolen your heart?. After that, flirt whenever there are appropriate options in the dialogues. After completing a series of quests on Dargonus, inform the Supreme Factotum Janris Danrok that you want to give Jay the planet. A grand gift will not go unnoticed. However, smaller presents such as a dress, weapon, or ship can also suffice. If everything is done correctly, you will see the option: We need to discuss what's happening between us. Say this, and the romance will be secured.

How to Build a Romance with Irlaeth Lanaviss

Unlike Jay, Irlaeth is much more complex in terms of relationship development. The girl is an Eldar ranger and is inherently distrustful of humans. You will meet Irlaeth in the second chapter in the world of Janus. After recruiting her, talk to the companion on the starship and say the phrase: The Gods of Chaos are enemies of the Imperium, which means they are my enemies too. You can be sure of that.

You must understand one principle — flirting with Irlaeth is not advisable. Your behavior should command her respect, only then there is a chance for success. Do not try to be pushy and be understanding when she talks about the differences between Eldars and humans. Moreover, never interrupt her meditation, it's important.

Be sure to complete the quest Aeldari in Trouble. During the quest, the Eldar herself will initiate a dialogue. Choose the responses:

  • My people behaved contemptuously, and I apologize for that.
  • I will talk to my subjects. You will not be bothered again.

For a successful romance in the episode with the fountain, do not try to kiss her. It's better to limit yourself to touching her hand. In the third act, be restrained and forgive Irlaeth for her misdemeanor. Defend her whenever the opportunity arises to finally win her over.

How to Build a Romance with Marajai Ezirraesh

Last on our list is Marajai, a Drukhari. The relationship with him is particularly interesting because the companion is disliked by everyone in your squad. You will meet Ezirraesh much later than many other assistants — in the third chapter. Go through the arena fight and start the mission Suspicious Absence. In the conversation with Ulfar and Argenta, say: I saved Marajai's life not so you could take matters into your own hands! Put away all weapons!.

The next dialogue will occur with Marajai alone. Choose:

  • What do you need?
  • Very well. If we ever encounter Iremersis, I will allow you to deliver the final blow.
  • Look at what was covered by the plate.
  • Your armor is held by hooks that dig into the flesh?
  • Nods silently.

Move to another location in space and talk to Marajai again: I'm heading to the officer's deck immediately. Start the quest Soulless. You need to bring the companion to combat readiness: Marajai! Behind you!. A battle starts, in which it's important to save Ezirraesh's life. After the victory, talk to him:

  • Marajai, are you sure you've recovered?
  • Your presence causes me great unease, xenos.
  • I will grant you hunting grounds, Marajai. The bay on the lower decks. Down there, you can do whatever your heart desires, but you must not leave its bounds during warp jumps.

You can choose another response: Either endure it or death. This is also a valid option, which the companion might like even more than the standard one.

Complete the quest, then discuss the situation with Marajai again. When the companion comes to the Trader on his own, respond:

  • What do you mean by feast?
  • Please, Marajai, be my guide.

Congratulations, the romance has become official.

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