The Long Dark Full Walkthrough (Episodes 1-5): all Puzzles, Keys, and Caches

Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5

The Long Dark is a survival game set in the harsh conditions of the wilderness. The project offers an immersive atmosphere of the Canadian forests, where you must fight for survival in constant cold and resource scarcity. In this guide, we describe the walkthrough of all episodes, and explain how to find caches, keys, and bunkers in the story locations.

Note that in our guide, key items are highlighted in different colors:

  • Story items and keys — green;
  • Notes, guides, and journals — blue;
  • Weapons and useful survival items — red.

Episode 1. Do Not Go Gentle

This section describes the detailed walkthrough of the first episode of The Long Dark. We will explain how to open the bank vault, find all the keys to the safe deposit boxes, and complete the main tasks.


In the prologue, you will learn a bit of the backstory of Mackenzie and his companion's flight to Great Bear Island. Start a fire using the wood by the fireplace and the matches on the table. Examine the hangar:

  • The map on the shelf to the right of the fireplace;
  • The family photo on the nightstand behind the table;
  • The airplane in the hangar;
  • Mackenzie's parka (jacket on the table next to the airplane);
  • The electric stove in the far corner of the hangar;
  • The sink in the restroom.

Now go to the next room and go to sleep.

Watch the cutscene, after which you need to gather supplies for the trip. In the right part of the plane, find the ladder next to which are your companion's items and supplies. Note that you won't be able to take everything. We recommend taking the flare gun as it can be used to scare off wolves early on. Search the cargo hold and pack the supplies, then watch another cutscene.


Among the plane wreckage, quickly look around and take the most essential items: wood, cloth, branches, newspapers, matches. Then run to the nearby cave. First, craft a bandage from the cloth to bandage the bleeding wounds. Start a fire, and while the fire is burning, we recommend melting a few liters of water and boiling it. Then go to rest.

In the morning, examine the crash site. Break all available crates — some of them may contain supplies. It wouldn't hurt to climb the nearby ledge and gather rose hips. They can be used to make a pain-relieving brew.

Reach the plane and examine the area for useful items. There will also be Astrid's case and a case with a flare gun or whatever you chose before boarding the plane.

Climb up the plane's wing and run along the only path until you reach the town. On your way, you will encounter rabbits and wolves — you can stun the former with stones, and it's better to avoid the latter. If a predator notices you, try to run away or use the flare gun or flare. For now, don't get distracted by exploring the location; instead, run to the large house (you can find a hatchet in the shed in front of it). First, you need to warm up and repair your items using a sewing kit — you can find it on the second floor. Also, take the sewing guide here.

When you are ready, talk to the woman on the first floor of the building. A new quest will begin.

Grey Mother

The old lady seems to be the only survivor among the residents of Milton. But she won't share any information until the hero gathers supplies for her. You need to find 12 pieces of any wood and food totaling 8000 calories. The first task is easy since you already have a hatchet. You will find the food at the abandoned gas station in the southern part of the location (this place is marked on the map).

However, on the way, we recommend exploring Milton to find some valuable items that will be useful in future gameplay.

How to open the bank vault

Opposite Grey Mother's house is the local bank branch, whose vault you will need to access later in the story. To do this, first obtain the key to the bank manager's house. It is in the drawer of a desk in the bank branch.

Now leave the bank and cross the road. Behind two abandoned cars, you will see small houses. Next to the right building, a Canadian flag is waving. Open it with the key and find inside a note with the vault combination (19-30-08). But even knowing the code, you won't be able to enter it until you find this note.

When you are ready, head to the gas station and search it. Take all the supplies, the lantern, and the bedroll in the back room with the computer. You can talk to the old man sitting inside. In the back room, don't miss the note that will unlock an additional activity — a marker will appear on the map at a bridge where useful supplies are located.

The items found at the gas station should be enough to complete the quest. Stack the wood in the pile outside and put the food in the fridge.

How to inspect the tunnel leading out of Milton

The tunnel you need is near the gas station you recently visited. The presence of several wolves roaming near the road may complicate the exploration of this area. Just reach the marked spot, examine the corpses and the bus with the prisoners, then return to the old lady's house.

How to find the key to the bank's safe deposit box

The house you need is on the western side of the town, on a small farm accessible by a road leading directly from Grey Mother's house. Note that wolves also inhabit this area.

Upon arrival, inspect the shed to the right of the house. Inside, there will be a wolf — scare it away by any available means. On the workbench, you will also find the guide Field Dressing Your Kill. Volume 1 and a rabbit trap.

Talk to the wounded prisoner and make a choice: kill him (knife away from you) or spare him (knife towards you).

To his right, in a small box, take the key to bank deposit box №15. If you haven't visited the bank yet and found the vault combination, now is the time to do it (we described the algorithm above). Next to the prisoner, don't forget to pick up the crowbar — it will be useful for opening locked lockers and trunks.

Open the deposit box with the obtained key, take the case, and bring it to the old lady. This will give you an optional task.

Last Request. How to find Lily's grave

To get this task, choose the Memories option in the dialogue with the old lady. She will give you the jewelry you found so you can take it to her daughter's grave and pay tribute to the deceased girl.

You can find the grave at the cemetery near the church in the northern part of the town. Cross the bridge and find the graves on the right side. You can interact with one of the graves to complete the subquest and get an achievement.

Lost Paradise. How to get out of Milton

When you finish all the side activities and are ready to continue the journey, go up to the second floor and take the climbing gear with the map from the chest. Additionally, next to the old lady, there will be climbing boots, but if you have already visited the bridge in the northern part of the town, you should have found better shoes.

Run towards the gas station and turn right at the fork. Reach the end of the road and climb the elevation to a small building. Rest if you wish, as the hero will need strength for the descent and ascent by rope.

Right behind it, there is a camping spot. Find three large rocks you can interact with to tie the rope, then descend.

After the cutscene, run along the path to find the old man. Talk to him if you wish. Continue a bit further and find the climbing rope, but restore your stamina before climbing. Keep moving forward until you reach a cave. To complete the chapter, just find the exit from it.

How to find all guides in Milton

  • The sewing book is on the second floor of Grey Mother's house;
  • The field dressing guide can be found on the farm in the shed next to the house where the prisoner is waiting, where you will go for the key to bank deposit box №15;
  • The Wild Bear's medicinal plants guide is in the post office building.

How to find all keys to bank deposit boxes

The key to bank deposit box №7 can be found in the second house on the left side of the bank building. Enter the house and inspect the container under the bed.

The key to bank deposit box №13 is located in a frozen corpse on the riverbank, which flows under the bridge to the farm. Descend to the river and follow it to the waterfall (south). To the right, you will see a large clearing, and to the left, there will be a climb to the cliffs. Here lies a body, next to which there is a green backpack. Search the corpse and take the key.

The key to bank deposit box №15 can be found in the storyline at the farmhouse.

The key to bank deposit box №20 can be found at the abandoned gas station inside a blue pickup truck if you sit in the passenger seat. Note that the vehicle is located behind the gas station in the parking lot.

Collecting all the keys and opening the boxes will give you the achievement Can't Go Wrong.

How to find all supply caches in Milton

Supply Cache №1

The first supply cache can be found in St. Christopher's Church right before entering the town of Milton. To do this, inspect the fallen tree behind the building. Inside, you will find a sewing kit, fabric, and a dry ration.

Supply Cache №2

The second supply cache can be found on the way to the Tower. However, instead of going straight to the Tower, you will need to turn left and descend the path into a dark cave nearby. At the very end of the cave, you will see a pile of rocks and the cache.

Supply Cache №3

The third supply cache is located behind the house that belongs to the Millers. This is the last house in Milton — it is destroyed. If you go behind the house, you will see the third supply cache on the ground. Inside are antibiotics, antiseptic, an energy bar, and painkillers.

Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5
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