Full walkthrough of Until Dawn for the best ending and how to find all clues

Although the original Until Dawn was released in 2015, it remains the best project by Supermassive Games. On October 4, 2024, the game will no longer be exclusive to PlayStation 4 and will be available on PC and PS5. In this guide, we will tell you how to complete it and get the best ending.
General tips
- The game has many Quick Time Events (QTE), where you need to quickly press specific buttons. We recommend memorizing their locations in advance to avoid mistakes during the process. A wrong press at a certain moment can cost a character's life.
- Periodically, you will be required to stay still and not move. The easiest way to pass such stages is to put the gamepad aside. If you don't, there is a risk that the game will react to a micro-movement of your hand. At the end, the fate of a character depends on this.
- Do not kill animals. Such actions will not lead to anything good. It's better to help them whenever possible.
- Collecting clues will not only shed light on the events in Until Dawn but also allow you to save one of the characters. If you don't collect notes and important items, he will definitely die. Each clue is highlighted, so finding them won't be difficult. But if necessary, you can use our guide.
- All key characters can reach the end of the game. If you want to save the guys and girls, pay attention to our thematic guide.
- Various tests offered by Dr. Hill between chapters do not affect the main plot development.
- The game has character parameters and their relationships with other characters. This is just dry statistics that are not related to the main story and dialogues.
We play as Hannah. Approach the bar counter and read the note lying to the right of the sleeping Josh. After the scene with the prank on Beth, a choice will appear: wake up the brother or go look for friends. But the guy is sleeping too soundly, so you can immediately run after your sister. After the QTE, you need to decide whether to take the long or the short but dangerous path, and then run towards the tracks or move towards the noise. At this stage, your actions will not have serious consequences.
Turn on the flashlight on your phone and move forward. There is only one path here, so you won't get lost. Along the way, you can pick up a death totem that will warn you of upcoming events. A little later, you will meet your sister, but she will slip and hang over a cliff. You can either drop Hannah or let go of your hand. In any case, both girls will fall and die. These events cannot be influenced.
Chapter 1. Friendship
After talking with Dr. Hill, the action will move to the familiar house. However, you still need to get there.
We play as Sam. Just move forward along the path. You won't be able to open the gate, so you need to climb over the fence on the left side. Safe or quick — it's up to you. Failing the QTE here does not have any consequences. Then you will be offered to feed a squirrel. If you stay still or put the gamepad aside, the animal will eat from your hand. If you move, the animal will get scared and run away. Keep moving forward. You can study the plaque describing the colors of butterflies and pick up the totem.
Approach the cable car station. There is a backpack on the bench with a mobile phone sticking out of it. You can read someone else's text messages or close the bag. This decision will unlock additional scenes and dialogues but will not affect the fate of the characters.
How to find the 1st clue
Soon Chris will appear. Follow him. On the wall of the building on the right, you will notice the first clue. Get acquainted with it. You need to collect all such notes if you want to save Josh's life.
We play as Chris. You need to shoot at cans and sandbags. The controls are standard for shooters, but the aiming time is strictly limited. If you hit all the targets, you will receive a compliment from Samantha. And shooting the squirrel will cause the girl to be displeased. We recommend refraining from killing animals.
Return to the entrance of the station. Enter the building and go up the stairs. Study the poster on the left and look at the monitors. You may notice that one of the cameras is installed above the bathtub in the house. Go outside and sit in the cabin.
We play as Jessica. Go to the right and press the button to open the door. Instead of thanking you, Chris began to mock Jessica's relationship with Mike. You can try to explain or make a scene.
We play as Matt. Follow Emily. Mike will scare you, and the girl won't like it. You can react aggressively or friendly. In any case, the decision will have no consequences. Suddenly, Emily will want to leave following her ex-boyfriend, and she will not accept objections from Matt.
We play as Ashley. Through the binoculars, you can notice that Mike and his ex-girlfriend are having a one-on-one conversation. But Matt will interrupt your observation. He will want to know what you saw. If you choose the Lie option, the guy won't find out anything. But if Emily's chosen one looks through the binoculars and sees his beloved hugging another guy, you will later face a jealousy scene.
We play as Jessica. You can throw a snowball at Mike. The mechanics are the same as when shooting targets. If you press the buttons on time during the QTE, you can dodge the guy's throw. When the opportunity arises to throw a snowball at the bird, it's better not to do anything, otherwise, you will spoil your friend's mood. If you didn't touch the bird, Mike will jump on Jessica from above. You can kiss him or hit him. The kiss is important if you want to undress the girl to her underwear in the future.
Chapter 2. Jealousy
We play as Chris. You can tell Josh about Matt and Emily if you want to see the development of the scandal with Mike or worry about the state of the guy who lost two sisters a year ago. Talk to Ashley and other friends on any topic. To the left of the stairs lies another totem. Your main path lies around the house. Approach the main staircase and move to the right. Josh made a lewd comment about your beloved. You can accept his arguments or, on the contrary, stop them. Then the guy will hint that it's time to act. Whether to agree or not is up to you.
How to find the 2nd and 3rd clues
Go to the door located on the opposite side of the house. On the wall, you can notice an axe holder, which is slightly highlighted. This is an important clue. To the right of it, there is a nightstand. Move it to the window through which you can climb into the building. In the far corner of the room lies a totem, and to the left of it is a passage to the next room. On the shelf lies a newspaper clipping, which is also a clue.
How to find the 4th clue
Return to the previous room and move to the right. On the left side, there is a door that you need to go through. Move forward to the end until you hit the wall. Examine the family portrait. This is another clue. Then run to the right, go up the steps, and turn the handle.
How to find the 5th and 6th clues
At the far end of the room, there is a door to the outside, but you won't be able to open it yet. Move to the right until the end, then approach the nightstand and examine the photo from the school dance. This is a clue. Then move to the right and go down the stairs. In the left corner lies a photograph of Josh, Hannah, and Beth. It's important to turn it over. The clue is considered to be the signature on the back. After that, you can go up the stairs to the second floor.
From the window with the flapping shutters, move to the left until you see a door. Turn the handle and go further. You will find yourself in the bathroom. In the far left corner, there is a cabinet that needs to be opened. Keep in mind, a jump scare awaits you. When the badger runs away, take the deodorant.
Chris will open the door, and the guys will enter the house. If Matt knows that his girlfriend was hugging Mike, he will cause a scandal. You can settle for a warning or challenge Emily's ex. The Chinese girl will also intervene in the conversation with aggressive criticism of Jess. Will you reconcile them or add fuel to the fire? The decision is yours. These actions will not affect the fate of the characters.
We play as Mike. Go down the stairs and follow Jessica. At the bottom, you can take a selfie together. Move to the right, and then run forward. There will be a dialogue between the characters. If there was a conflict between your current and ex-girlfriend earlier, you need to agree with Jess. If Matt and Mike clashed, you need to respond evasively and then tell the truth. These are important conditions for those planning to undress the blonde in the future.
You won't be able to open the gate, so move to the right, to a small cabin. To the left of the entrance lies a totem. Inside the building, flip the switch and start the generator. Return to the gate and unlock it, then follow Jessica. The girl will want to talk about the deceased sisters. Speak about them respectfully. Climb the stairs upwards. When the beauty falls down, choose the Heroism option. This is a necessary condition to undress Jess.
How to find the 7th and 8th clues
Push the cart, then move forward along the tracks. Near the fork on the right side lies a new totem. But you need to go to the left. Climb the stairs upwards. On the right side, there is a nook. Pick up the cigar butt lying on the rusty barrel, which is considered a clue. On the right, you will see a deer skull, which is called a mystical symbol. These are more clues.
How to find the 9th clue
Go to the left side. On the right, you will see a map of the mines. It is also considered a clue, so it needs to be examined. Go outside, run to the right, and climb up the slope. Jessica will look through the binoculars and then suggest you do the same. Be ready for a jump scare. Then move to the left and open the gate. Your choice after the sudden appearance of the bird does not matter. Move forward, first along the path, then across the bridge.
We play as Sam. After the video, go through the open door in front of you. Then run to the left and turn the handle. Move along the left side of the room and go down the central staircase. Talk to your friends, then follow Josh. He will want to discuss Chris and Ashley. Your response will not matter. The same situation applies to the next dialogue. Go down to the basement where the generator is.
You can pick up the bat and joke about it. But your main goal is to start the engine. To do this, turn the handle on the left, wait for the red light to come on, and then quickly press the button on the right. After this, there will be one of the most difficult QTEs in the game — Josh will suggest giving him a high five. Just press the triangle. The difficulty lies in the fact that the action occurs suddenly, and you have very little time.
We play as Matt. You can pick up the totem on the left, then follow Emily. Open the gate and let the girl go ahead. Then you can defuse the situation or criticize her behavior in the house. Move to the right, pass by two parapets, and continue following the Chinese girl. You can clear the snow on the table, which will lead to a cheek kiss.
How to find the 10th clue
At the fork, turn left and jump down. The characters will approach the severed pig's head and read the note. It is considered a clue.
Chapter 3. Ghosts
You will be able to contact the spirits of Hannah and Beth through a spirit board. Your choices do not matter for future events.
We play as Mike. Jump over the ledge, then go up instead of right. Pull the handle of the stuck car, but be ready for a jump scare. If you go left, you will find another totem. Then return to the car and move to the right. Jessica will scare you. We recommend responding with wit in the next dialogue with the girl.
How to find the 11th clue
Move to the right, across the bridge. After the cutscene, run to the light of the lantern hanging on the cabin. Enter the house. There lies an old mask, which is a clue. The game will allow you to get back at Jessica and scare her in return. If you plan to undress the blonde, you can't do this. It's better to choose the Show option.
Continue along the path. It's better not to kill the deer, as it will upset the girl. Then you will face a QTE and have the option to take a short or long route. At this stage, the choice does not matter, the characters will survive in any case. However, we recommend helping the beauty when she stumbles and falls.
How to undress Jessica
The opportunity to see the blonde without clothes will open if you have met all the necessary conditions:
- Kissed Mike at the end of Chapter 1.
- Agreed with Jessica if she quarreled with Emily or responded evasively and told the truth if the conflict was between Mike and Matt.
- Immediately rushed to help the girl when she fell into the mine, instead of looking for an alternative option.
- Did not scare the beauty with the creepy mask.
In the cabin itself, you need to light a fire in the fireplace. The firewood is next to it, and the matches are at the opposite end of the room, behind the couch. After that, immediately approach Jessica. Do not waste time exploring the house, except for the clue, which we will tell you about below. If you did everything correctly, you will see the cutie in her underwear a little later. One mistake will lead to her taking off her jacket but remaining in a white tank top.
How to find the 12th clue
To the left of the fireplace is a book about Native Americans. Open it to count it as a clue.
Talk to Jess. Ask what happened, close the shutters, and then start flirting. The kissing scene will be interrupted by the sound of breaking glass. Go to the right, then turn into the room on the left and pick up the mobile phone.
We play as Ashley. Follow Chris and go down the stairs. Press the button that was hidden among the books.
How to find the 13th and 14th clues
We play as Chris. Go through the opened door and pick up the photo on the left. Then turn it over and read the inscription. This way you will get two clues at once. You can share the find with Ashley or hide the truth from her to avoid traumatizing her. Go to the right, then turn left and open the door. When Ashley is dragged away, follow her.
Chapter 4. Devotion
How to save Jessica. Stage one
Saving the blonde is one of the most challenging tasks in Until Dawn. It is done in two stages. The first will be now, and the second in the final 10th chapter.
When the girl is dragged away, Mike will rush after her. It is important to correctly complete all QTEs and always choose the short but dangerous route. The correct options are:
- Shortcut.
- Jump.
- Jump.
- Slide down.
If you did not make any mistakes, Jessica will show signs of life when you appear nearby. In this case, you did everything right. Unfortunately, the girl will be dragged down, and you will have to get out of the mine. Shooting the stranger in the back is pointless, as there are no bullets in the rifle.
We play as Chris. Move forward and examine the blood wall. Turn right and go outside. Go down the stairs, then follow the path. It will lead you to a small house. Enter the building and go to the next room. You will have to decide whether to direct the saw at the girl or at your friend. Choose the option Save Ashley. Don't worry, Josh will stay alive.
Chapter 5. Horror
We play as Mike. Move towards the light of the lantern. Approach the building, examine the plaque on the left, and open the door. To proceed further, you will need a key card. Go back. Go to the left corner of the hall. You can examine the plaque on the right, but your main path lies through the open door.
How to find the 15th and 16th clues
If you go down the corridor on the left, you can pick up and examine the camera. Turn it so that you can see the lens. Only in this case will it count as a clue. Then go back a bit and run to the right without turning. When you hit a dead end, turn left from the camera. There you will find an old newspaper with important information. It also counts as a clue.
How to find the 16th and 17th clues
Go back and turn right. At the end of the corridor, choose the right door. On the table are medical records, which are an important clue. Then go back, move forward, and go down the stairs. On the right, there is a door with a grated window. Open it and take the machete. After that, go left until you reach a fork, turn right, and examine the note. This is also a clue.
Leave the room and move to the left. Go through the long corridor to the end. On the table, you will see a twitching hand, but it is not worth touching it. Otherwise, Mike will get caught in a trap.
How to find the 18th and 19th clues
Head to the far left corner of the room. On the right, you will see a small door. Open it, pull out the bed, and read the name tag. In the next compartment, you will find a death certificate. These are clues. In the third storage for corpses, there is a card that allows you to open doors in the hospital.
Go to the right and use the key card on the lock. Go up the stairs. When you are in the central hall, go to the left and jump down. On the left side, there is a door that can now be opened with the key.
How to find the 20th clue
Do not hit the dog that will attack you. It is better to do nothing. Move to the left, approach the barrel, and examine the cigar, which counts as a clue. Behind it, there is a box with gnawed bones. Take one of them and return to the door at the right end of the room. Mike will give the bone to the dog, and the dog will no longer pose a threat to you.
On the left, there is a grate illuminated by a flashlight. Approach it and take the jacket. Then pull out the stand on the left side so that the structure collapses and you can take the revolver.
How to find the 21st and 22nd clues
Move further to the left. In the next room, there is a map with photos and notes on the wall. This is another clue. After that, run further to the end of the corridor. To open the door, shoot the lock with the revolver. Move forward to the end, then turn left and run straight. As a result, you will find a photograph of miners, which counts as a clue. Go down the central stairs. Move forward along the corridor to a dead end, then turn left. Flip the barrel and shoot the lock.
How to find the 23rd clue
We play as Matt. First, follow Emily, then approach the building on the left and take the axe, which is a clue. Help the girl climb through the window or break the door by force.
Go up the ladder to the next room and adjust the map with the local plan. On the opposite side, there is a lever, but it cannot be activated without a key. Exit into the corridor, move to the right, and help Emily up. She will remove the lock from the ladder, which you can then descend.
Follow the girl, then go up the ladder. When you reach solid ground, turn left and pick up the totem. After that, you will have a long, uneventful journey. When you reach the open area, pick up another totem. It will be right in front of you. After that, move towards the cliff.
We play as Sam. Open the door on the right and move forward. Turn the handle and go down the stairs to the lowest floor. The door behind you will slam shut, and the maniac will appear. You can either run or hide. In any case, you will be caught and put to sleep using chloroform.
Chapter 6. Revenge
We play as Matt. Do not attack the deer under any circumstances. Just walk towards them, and the animals will move aside. If your character hits one of them with the axe, the guy will definitely die.
We play as Emily. Move along the path to the tower. After being blinded by the flashlight, pick up the totem on the left. Then go up the stairs. When you reach the wooden platform, use the vertical ladders to climb even higher. Open the hatch and enter the cabin. Open the door on the right to go to the outer platform. On the left side, there is a switch that needs to be pressed to supply power.
Before returning to the building, go around it on the right perimeter. Open the panel and take the flare gun. We recommend giving it to Mike. After that, return to the cabin.
How to find the 24th and 25th clues.
Approach the printer and press print. Take the printout with Beth and turn it face up. In this case, you will get a new clue. Then open the locker on the left and look at Hannah's wanted poster. This is also a clue. After that, approach the radio station and turn it on. Turn the knob until you hear a response from the Blackwood security service.
We recommend clearly stating the situation. To do this, choose the following options:
- Comply;
- Report.
We play as Matt. A dialogue will start between him and his girlfriend. If, instead of supporting the Chinese girl, you start expressing your suspicions, she will confess to cheating. You will face a serious choice — Save Emily or Jump. The first option can only be chosen if the guy has a flare gun. Otherwise, he will die. The girl will remain alive at this stage in any case.
We play as Ashley. Follow Chris and go down the stairs. On the left, you will see a familiar photograph. If you have already examined it, there is no point in touching the picture. When you are in the cinema, move to the room on the right side. Then run to the left. After the cutscene, you can insist that you saw a ghost. Go down the steps and approach the guy.
Go to the place where you saw the ghost and take the key on the left. Return back and approach the dollhouse on the left. Open the window in the attic and insert the key into the keyhole. Then take the diary and flip through it. After that, follow Chris and open the door. Take a step forward, but be prepared for a jumpscare. After that, move again behind the guy. Talk to him and express sympathy for Hannah.
How to find the 26th, 27th, and 28th clues
When the guy stops, go to the right side and examine the pack of fake newspapers. This is another clue. Then approach Chris and move further down the left corridor. At the fork, turn right and examine the batteries. Move to the left side and inspect the room. On the opposite wall hang photographs of your friends, which need to be examined. This will add two clues to your collection.
Chris will lead you further. When the option to find out who is walking next to you appears, it is better to return to the guy. The further path will be linear, without forks.
We play as Chris. It is important not to shoot Ashley here. Otherwise, the guy will be killed later.
Chapter 7. Violence
How to find the 29th clue
We play as Sam. After talking to Mike, go to the right and examine the video camera, which counts as a clue. Then go back, take the flashlight, and grab the backpack. Open the door on the left. Follow the guy and together with him break down the metal gates.
We play as Emily. Swing on the rope until you can grab onto the ladder. Move forward to the dead end, then turn right. Reach the cart and move the lever to send it down and break the wooden barrier. Go down the opened passage and light the oil lamp with a torch. On the left, there is a switch that can call the elevator. But first, you need to supply power.
How to find the 30th clue
To the right of the elevator is a time clock machine. It is considered a clue, so it is worth examining. In the far right corner of the mine, there is a ladder that you can climb up. Then unlock the phone to illuminate the area in front of you. Move forward and break the wooden wall. On the left lies a totem, and next to it is a passage. In the depths lies an iron box with a photograph inside. Go further to the left and climb up.
Pick up the torch and pull the lever. On the right, there is a ladder that you can use to go down. When you reach the ground, turn left and pick up the totem. Move further. It will not be possible to climb up the slope.
How to find the 31st, 32nd, 33rd, and 34th clues
Approach the barrel behind you and pick up Hannah's photograph. Her tattoo is considered an important clue. On the right lie the girl's glasses, which should also be examined. And to the left of them are some boards. Move them aside to see the marks on the stones. A little to the left lies Beth's grave cross, which should also be looked at.
How to find the 35th clue
Your main objective is on the left side. In the far left corner, there is a barrel with Hannah's medallion on it. You need to turn it so that it opens. Only in this case will you get another clue. Then go back and move the grate on the right.
How to find the 36th clue
While exploring the next location, the camera will focus on Beth's head. Examine it, as it is an important clue. After that, move forward, slide the bolt aside, and open the door. You will find yourself in a familiar room. But now the elevator is working, so you can go up.
At the top, you will see the hunter. You need to freeze so he doesn't notice you. You can just put the gamepad aside. Perform the QTE and ignite the fuel that leaked from the barrel. The further choice does not matter much — the hunter will find Emily anyway. Fortunately, he does not pose a danger.
We play as Chris. During the scene between Josh and Mike, it is better to hit the guy who pretended to be the maniac.
Chapter 8. Revelation
How to find the 37th clue
We play as Emily. Light the flare shaft and look into the room on the right. Take the photograph and turn it over to read the inscription. Only in this case will it be counted as a clue. Then move forward and squeeze through the crevice.
Here you will encounter the wendigo for the first time. It is important to complete the next series of QTEs without mistakes. Otherwise, there is a high chance that Emily will die. Run into the elevator and pull the lever. Then freeze and don't move so the cannibals won't notice you. Soon you will face a choice, Stay or Jump. We recommend the second option. But if you manage to press all the buttons correctly, the girl will survive in any case.
We play as Chris. Emily's monologue will depend on whether Matt tried to save her or not. After the hunter's instructions, follow him. When it turns out that Josh has disappeared, go outside. The man will be killed for sure, there is no way to save him. Shoot the wendigo the first two times, then aim at the barrel on the right. Failing the QTE will lead to the guy's death. If you didn't shoot at Ashley during the maniac's test, the girl will let you into the house. If you tried to shoot the girl, she won't open the door, and Chris will be torn apart.
We play as Mike. You will notice that Emily was bitten by a wendigo. Friends' opinions on what to do next will be divided. But there is no point in killing the girl — she won't turn into a wendigo anyway. Unfortunately, you can only find this out after making the decision.
How to find the 38th, 39th, 40th, and 41st clues
We play as Ashley. If you read the diary to the end, you will get a total of four clues. We recommend telling your friends about the harmlessness of wendigo bites.
Chapter 9. Despair
We play as Mike. Lock the latch and move to the left. At the fork, turn right, then climb the steps on the left to the very top. Keep going straight. You will enter a familiar large hall with many rooms. You need to reach the right wall and climb up the stairs. If you go all the way on the second floor, you will see a hole in the floor. Jump into it. Approach the table, take the torch, shotgun, and ammo for it.
How to find the 42nd clue
Exit into the hall and run to the opposite side of the room. Open the door on the right and move forward. On the left, you can pick up another totem, and if you go further and examine the graves, you will get a new clue. After that, return to the hall. The lock on the central door can be shot to proceed further. If you didn't hurt the dog, it will now greet your character warmly.
Move forward through the tunnel of grates. When you enter the next building, turn left and pull the switch. Squeeze through the gap and move to the right.
How to find the 43rd clue
Go down and turn left. On the table, pick up the doctor's report, which is considered a clue. Then return and run to the right. Follow the dog and go through the double doors. On the left, you will see a destroyed wall. Use this passage.
How to find the 44th clue
At the fork, turn left. Then enter the room on the right and turn on the projector. After watching the recording, your collection will be replenished with a new clue. Exit into the corridor and continue moving in the same direction. You will see a wooden door with cracks through which light shines. Open it and shoot the lock.
How to find the 45th clue
Approach the corpse and take the note from its hands, which is considered a clue. Be sure to turn it over and read the message on the back. Exit into the corridor and return back. Pass by the wheelchairs and keep running until you see the familiar dog. Follow it.
In the large hall, you will be attacked. When offered to shoot the box — don't do it, as there is a rat inside which poses no danger. But don't spare bullets on the wendigo. Run forward, and then fend off the monster again.
In the next room, you need to hide from the cannibal. First, freeze and don't move, then catch the bottle that may fall off the table. After the episode ends, run forward and shoot at the monsters. When you are cornered, kick the barrel and shoot at it. This way, you will kill two wendigos at once.
Move to the right, go through the double doors, and climb upstairs. Move forward until another monster attacks you. Shoot the lock.
How to save the dog in Until Dawn
If you are strictly following our walkthrough, you have already made all the important decisions. But just in case, let's repeat the key points necessary to save the dog's life:
- Don't hit the dog with a stick during the first encounter.
- Give the animal a bone.
- Pet it.
Now, when you are being chased by the wendigo, choose the Barricade option. Only in this case will the dog stay alive. During the next attack by the cannibals, first shoot the monster, then the barrel.
We play as Ashley. Talk to Chris, then move to the left. Descend further down the vertical ladder and keep running. At a certain point, you will hear a noise. Do not react to it. You need to choose the Chase option. If you try to find out who made these strange sounds and open the latch on the hatch, the girl will definitely be killed. In this scenario, the wendigo will break free and later attack Chris if he decided to leave the group of friends. The guy won't have a chance to defend himself.
We play as Sam. Climb up, move forward, and jump down from the left side. Keep running until you see a grated door. Unlock it with the shovel lying nearby. Then hit the wendigo on the head with it to save Mike.
Chapter 10. Repentance
We play as Josh. Just move forward and watch a series of jump scares.
How to find the 46th clue
We play as Sam. Before descending into the water, go around it from the left side and pick up Beth's watch, which is considered a clue. Then return back and jump into the underground lake.
How to find the 47th clue
Reach the shore on the left side and climb up. On the left lies Hannah's diary, which you need to read to the end. In this case, it will be counted as a clue. Jump into the water again and run to the right. Climb onto the pier and open the door.
We play as Josh. Just follow Mike. At some point, the guy will be dragged underwater, and your character will be attacked by a wendigo. If you have been collecting clues, he will recognize Hannah by her tattoo. Only in this case will the guy stay alive.
How to save Jessica. Stage two
We play as Matt. If Jess is still alive, you will meet her now. But don't relax just yet, as the girl's fate directly depends on your actions.
Move straight, then turn left. When you are near the tracks, go towards the lantern light, then head to the right. A wendigo will attack you. Running from it is useless. During the choices offered, you only need to hide. And also, you must not make mistakes in the QTE. If you do everything correctly, Jessica will stay alive.
We play as Sam. Climb up and run forward along the path. When you reach the lake, jump into the water and swim to the other side. After that, you will face an easy QTE.
When you find yourself in the mansion, the final stage of the game will begin. Many characters can die here, including Mike and Sam. It's important not to make mistakes. For example, if you move the gamepad when the game requires you to freeze, the wendigo will definitely kill Samantha. Such stages are long and quite difficult, but you always have the opportunity to put the controller aside.
Enter the house and go down the stairs. Lock the door and run to the hall. Mike will notice a gas leak, so if you turn on the power, a spark from the broken light bulb will cause an explosion. It's important not to detonate too early, or your friends may die. The correct sequence of actions:
- Save Mike;
- Hide;
- Hide.
If you do nothing, the wendigos will kill one character during each choice.
If you saved your friends, during the final credits, you will see all the survivors except Josh. The guy will be shown at the very end. He has become a wendigo himself, but this is the best outcome for him.