Guides Surface Tension: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Walkthrough

Surface Tension: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Walkthrough

Vladislav Sham
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In this guide, we’ll walk you through the Surface Tension mission in Marvel's Spider-Man 2, where you’ll face off against the formidable Sandman. Learn how to use Spider-Man’s web-swinging mechanics, dodge attacks, and unleash powerful combos to take down this iconic villain. Let’s swing into action!

How to Defeat Sandman

After the introductory cutscene, move to the indicated point. Swing on the web using the R2 button, then release it, fly forward, and press R2 again to latch onto a building with the web. If you fall, don't worry. Jump with the cross button and hold R2. You can run on skyscraper walls as if on the ground by pressing R2. In other words, the web-swinging mechanics haven't changed since the first game.

In the center of the storm, you will see Flint Marco, also known as Sandman. He will throw cars and punch you with his fists. Press circle in time to dodge and avoid damage. You can also pick up various objects and throw them at Marco. Use the combination L1+R1 for this. Each successful hit will reduce his health bar.

Peter Parker will say he has an idea. Fly up to Sandman's head and press triangle to perform a web strike. However, things won't go as planned. After the cutscene, run forward. To do this, hold the left stick and the R2 button. The hero will automatically dodge all obstacles. You will only need to press triangle once at the right time.

Soon, the first battle in the game will begin. Hit enemies with punches (square) and powerful web strikes (triangle). When a white icon appears above your hero's head, dodge to the side using the circle button.

During battles with the second group of enemies, you can use Spider Barrage. To do this, press L1+square simultaneously. This attack requires recharging, which will occur through successful hits on enemies. If desired, you can throw objects at them (L1+R1). After the battle, a cutscene will await you.

Again, dodge Sandman's attacks, approach him, and hit him with electricity. As before, the triangle button is responsible for a powerful attack. Soon Marco will start to retreat. Pursue him and shoot webs at the villain using the L1 button. When you stun Sandman, get close to him and strike. Use the triangle button for this, then press square multiple times. Repeat the procedure until the boss's health bar is reduced to zero.

The fight with Marco is not over. Run away from him. It's important to dodge the boss's attacks in time using the circle button.

Control will switch to Miles Morales. The key combination L1 + square will unleash a powerful bio-strike on enemies. Use it. Successful hits will fill the focus bars, which can be used for healing. To do this, press the down button on the D-pad. After defeating the enemies, press L1+R1 to release water, and then L2+R2. This way, you will rise to a higher floor.

You will have to crawl under the collapsed ceiling. Move to the right until you reach the surface. Then climb to the surface and defeat another group of enemies. Here, finishers will be available to you. They are activated with the key combination triangle+circle. It's not necessary to use it, but this way you can finish off an enemy earlier.

When you regain control of Peter Parker, press triangle to activate the web wings. Fly to the pier where Sandman is hiding. Tilt the left stick down to gain altitude and dodge enemy attacks. When you get close to Marco, hit him with a powerful strike.

During the next battle, try to topple the water tower onto the enemies. This way, you will eliminate several opponents at once. After defeating them, approach Sandman and press L1+circle to finish him off.

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